Tequila Reserva de la Familia. A promotional platform for Mexican art.

Below are the contemporary artists who have worked with Tequila Cuervo in the design of packaging boxes and bottles.

Botella de tequila Reserva de la Familia. Edición especial, 2018 con caja realizada por la artista visual Melanie Smith. by Mundo CuervoFundación Beckmann A.C.

In 1995 the Jose Cuervo Company commemorated 200 years of being the world's leading producer of Tequila and to celebrate it decided to share, in a reduced edition, the best product of their family cellar, until that date reserved for the exclusive use of the family.

Thus was born the Tequila "Reserva de la Familia" celebrating the historic date of the oldest industry in our country. From then on, important contemporary Mexican artists were commissioned to design the box that each year would accompany the fine elixir. Giving origin to the "Tequila Reserva de la Familia Collection"

Botella de tequila Reserva de la Familia. Edición especial, 2018 con caja realizada por la artista visual Melanie Smith. by Mundo CuervoFundación Beckmann A.C.

In addition, as a commitment to promoting the art of our country, each year the company acquires a batch of works by the artist of the year for its art collection. In this way, Casa Cuervo, by marketing its product, provides an exhibition and promotion platform for the most outstanding contemporary art in Mexico, as this fine tequila reaches more than 100 countries around the world. 
Here's a look at the Reserva de la Familia Tequila Collection and its creators:

Caja de Tequila Reserva de la Familia. Edición 2004 (2004) by Raymundo SesmaFundación Beckmann A.C.

Raymundo Sesma ( 1954)

Multidisciplinary artist whose production is based on his concept of "implied universe", which is born and refers to an understanding of the body and the subject as itself within an urban context in a multidimensional and balanced sense, open to the other in a critical and creative sense from the foundational praxis of what is as the past, and what will be transformed, its unit of reading is not found in its origin but in its destination as an act that transcends it.

Caja de Tequila Reserva de la Familia. Edición 2005 (2005) by Betsabeé RomeroFundación Beckmann A.C.

Betsabée Romero ( 1963)

For more than 15 years, her work has specialized in the elaboration of a critical discourse about issues such as migration, miscegenation and mobility, through the re-semanticization of symbols and daily rituals of the global consumer culture, such as automobiles, tattoos, urban signage, etc. Her work has been shown in the most important museums in the world and is found in multiple collections globally.

Caja de Tequila Reserva de la Familia. Edición 2006 (2006) by Sergio HernándezFundación Beckmann A.C.

Sergio Hernández ( 1957)

He is one of the most original and fruitful artists in Mexico today. Three decades of research have allowed him to refine his own language and style. Despite her successful career, she has never lost the ease and authenticity of her early work. In recent years, his exploration has become increasingly daring, clearly due to the security gained through experience and reflection. His artistic maturity is reflected in the skill with which he manages to reconcile the expressions from their land of origin: Oaxaca

Caja de Tequila Reserva de la Familia. Edición 2007 (2007) by Pedro FriedebergFundación Beckmann A.C.

Pedro Friedeberg ( 1936)

Mexican artist and designer of Italian origin, known for his surrealist work that unfolds in a plane of multiple perspectives and full of symbols, stamps and impossible buildings. One of his best known pieces is the "Hand-Chair": a sculpture / chair designed to sit on the palm, using the fingers as a backrest.

Caja de Tequila Reserva de la Familia. Edición 2009 (2009) by Marco ArceFundación Beckmann A.C.

Marco Arce ( 1968)

The way in which popular culture and so-called high culture coexist in his work makes it possible to complicate the narrative plots flooded with a certain pathos, which usually develop in three registers: the one that generates the image, the voice that narrates and / or describes the scene, and those dialogues that complement them.

Caja de Tequila Reserva de la Familia. Edición 2010 (2010) by Pablo Vargas LugoFundación Beckmann A.C.

Pablo Vargas Lugo ( 1968)

His work borrows motifs from disciplines such as astronomy, cartography, epigraphy, natural history, archeology, space technology, musical or cinematographic language. His drawings, sculptures, installations and audiovisual works refer us to the mystery of writing, the fragility of conventions and the persistence of ancient traditions in unexpected outfits.

Caja de Tequila Reserva de la Familia. Edición 2011 (2011) by Dr. LakraFundación Beckmann A.C.

Dr. Lakra ( 1972)

Lives and works in Oaxaca City. The work of Jerónimo López Ramírez, better known as Dr. Lakra, is characterized by irreverent and provocative images that violate established norms, leaving the viewer reeling between attraction and repulsion. His compositions combine historical references and contemporary images, incorporating quotes from popular culture, interwoven with religious and social iconography. He is also a very well known tattoo artist.

Caja de Tequila Reserva de la Familia. Edición 2012 (2012) by Ricardo PintoFundación Beckmann A.C.

Ricardo Pinto ( 1973)

His works have the particularity of being technically very complex, with a fine appearance and full of textures. The presence of Ricardo Pinto as a representative of Oaxacan abstract painting strengthens the relationship and exchange of plastic production between the states of Oaxaca, Zacatecas and Jalisco, which today are distinguished at the national level

Caja de Tequila Reserva de la Familia. Edición 2013 (2013) by Carlos AguirreFundación Beckmann A.C.

Carlos Aguirre (1948)

His studio is full of new projects. Models, metal prints and papers that dance around. He is one of the first conceptual artists in the country and his work has traveled around the world. Even today, he continues to be an innovator in national art. Aguirre has dedicated himself to exploring the limits of materials. His love for innovation and experimentation is fueled by his approach with the new generations.

Caja de Tequila Reserva de la Familia. Edición 2014 (2014) by Enrique RosasFundación Beckmann A.C.

Enrique Rosas ( 1972)

It explores the connections between art, science and technology covering fields as dissimilar as electronics and biology. By focusing on the materialization of ideas understanding them not as mere abstractions, but as processes that reconcile the immaterial with the material, his work rescues the Renaissance ideal of a world that was not only perceived but also projected from the eyes

Caja de Tequila Reserva de la Familia. Edición 2015 (2015) by Jorge Méndez-BlakeFundación Beckmann A.C.

Jorge Méndez Blake ( 1974)

His work is linked to architecture and especially to the field of poetry and literature. He has carried out numerous projects where books, novels and poems appear, which he chooses for their subject matter and content or as formal elements with which he makes constructive solutions. Méndez Blake moves the field of the written word to the field of contemporary art and imagines other possible lives for the literary universe.

Caja de Tequila Reserva de la Familia. Edición 2016 (2016) by Mario García TorresFundación Beckmann A.C.

Mario García Torres ( 1975)

One of the most brilliant artists of his generation. His work is a look that swings us over time towards the past, reviewing small forgotten or lost events in the history of 20th century art, and towards the future, putting them in context within our own time and its disturbing future.

Caja de Tequila Reserva de la Familia. Edición 2017 (2017) by Abraham CruzvillegasFundación Beckmann A.C.

Abraham Cruzvillegas ( 1968)

His artistic work is part of important international collections and has been exhibited in the important Museums of Mexico and the world. His artistic production is constantly fed by his environment; its projects are defined, more than by a specific medium, by their interrelation with the self-construction platform. Cruzvillegas appropriates this term to describe an inventive improvisation and instability approach that presents change as a permanent state that arises from of the chaotic and fragmentary nature of life

Abraham Cruz Villegas Exposición "Tequioh" en la ciudad de Tequila (2021) by Casa CuervoFundación Beckmann A.C.

Abraham Cruz Villegas (1968)

Creation process of the exhibition "Tequioh" for Reserva de la Familia in Tequila, Jalisco.

Caja de Tequila Reserva de la Familia. Edición 2018 (2018) by Melanie SmithFundación Beckmann A.C.

Melanie Smith ( 1965)

Through themes such as color, the body, nature, the urban, and memory, Melanie Smith's work explores the promises of progress and well-being embodied by the 20th century project of modernity, as well as the symptoms of its failure that they can be reflected in phenomena such as colonialism, globalization, economic crises and deterioration of environment .

Caja de Tequila Reserva de la Familia. Edición 2019 (2019) by Jorge PardoFundación Beckmann A.C.

Jorge Pardo ( 1963)

His work explores the intersection of contemporary painting, design, sculpture, and architecture. Employs a wide palette of vibrant colors, eclectic patterns with natural and industrial materials. Pardo's works range from murals to home furnishings, from collages to monumental fabrications. He often transforms everyday objects into works of art with multiple meanings and purposes.

Licoreras de Tequila 1800 Milenio por Pedro Friedeberg, Fernando García Correa y Eduardo Terrazas. (2019) by Casa CuervoFundación Beckmann A.C.

Tequila 1800 Milenio: the design of the most precious bottles

Important artists such as Pedro Friedeberg, Eduardo Terrazas, Carlos Amorales  and Fernando García Correa , were invited to engrave their designs on the elegant glass bottles for the exquisite Tequila 1800 Milenio. These are the results :

Pedro Friedeberg (2019) by Pedro FriedebergFundación Beckmann A.C.

Pedro Friedberg ( 1936)

Irony and excess are expressed in his works, through his almost hallucinatory repetition of elements in various planes and perspectives. His work is the result of conscious and highly informed thinking of the history of universal art. Eclectic and hybrid work.

Licorera y Obra plástica (2019) by Casa CuervoFundación Beckmann A.C.

Eduardo Terrazas (2019) by Eduardo TerrazasFundación Beckmann A.C.

Eduardo Terrazas ( 1936)

Architect, designer, urban planner and contemporary artist. Terrazas understands his journey through these disciplines as diverse but always parallel paths in dialogue; as means that he uses to address philosophical, technological and social concerns.

Licorera y Obra plástica (2019) by Casa CuervoFundación Beckmann A.C.

Fernando García Correa y licorera diseñada para Tequila 1800 Milenio (2019) by Fernando García CorreaFundación Beckmann A.C.

Fernando García Correa ( 1958)

His work has developed for several years as a reflection of the pictorial within an abstract perspective that many describe as post-minimalist and where, through the development of comments based on visual experience, he seeks to establish links and similarities with scientific thought. , the psychological experience and the organic and social models that surround us.

Licorera y Obra plástica (2019) by Fernando García CorreaFundación Beckmann A.C.

Botellas de Tequila Maestro Tequilero Atelier, diseñadas en Arrazola, Oaxaca (2020) by Casa CuervoFundación Beckmann A.C.

Tequila "Atelier del Maestro Tequilero"

In 2010, Casa Cuervo produced a limited quantity of a fine extra-aged tequila and called it “Atelier del Maestro Tequilero”, deciding to do the unthinkable: unite the art of making Tequila with an artisan product made by hand, piece by piece. 

Tequila "Atelier del Maestro Tequilero"

Jose Cuervo took to the town of Arrazola in Oaxaca, where the fantastic animals called "alebrijes" are painted, a batch of bottles and special paints for glass, non-toxic and resistant to water, to invite the artisans to paint by hand a thousand bottles of Tequila .

Botellas de Tequila Maestro Tequilero Atelier, diseñadas en Arrazola, Oaxaca (2020) by Casa CuervoFundación Beckmann A.C.

The Santiago  Family workshop from Oaxaca accepted the challenge and today 10 years later it is one of the most satisfactory artistic projects of Casa Cuervo, as it combined an exceptional tequila with the work of great  craftsmen from Oaxaca.

Taller de artesanos de Arrazola, Oaxaca (2020) by Casa CuervoFundación Beckmann A.C.

Currently the edition of alebrijes bottles has risen to 5,000 bottles per year that are painted by most of the artisan workshops in Arrazola, since the objective of the project of great artisan in addition to promoting their extraordinary plastic work is to contribute to the economy of the Mexican artisans, putting up the name of Mexico.

ATELIER DEL MAESTROFundación Beckmann A.C.

Atelier del Maesto Tequilero

Elaboration process of this surprising bottle of Tequila in Arrazola, Oaxaca.

Licorera de Tequila 1800 Essential Artist Collection, con diseño de Basquiat. (2020) by Casa CuervoFundación Beckmann A.C.

Tequila 1800 Essential Artist Collection 

It is a platform created by the delicious 1800 Essential Tequila, born from the selection of several white tequilas matured in a short period, where they obtain their fresh and light character, until obtaining a tequila of great smoothness and light tone.

The bottles of Tequila 1800 Essential were designed by multiple national and foreign artists with fantastic special designs. 4 series of 6 bottles each one, by the artists Keith Haring, Jean Michel Basquiat, Enoch Pérez and Okuda San Miguel.

Tequila 1800 Essential Artist Collection (2020) by Casa CuervoFundación Beckmann A.C.

Tequila 1800 Essential Artist Collection (2020) by Casa CuervoFundación Beckmann A.C.

Iñaki Bonillas (1981) Ganador del Premio Colección Tequila 1800 en la feria de arte Zona Maco 2018, con la obra “Diurnos” (2018) by Casa CuervoFundación Beckmann A.C.

Tequila 1800  Art Award at ZONAMACO

When the Zonamaco Art Fair began in Mexico 13 years ago, it was thought: There is art everywhere, why not organize a jury of curators that selects the best emerging artists from Mexico and the world?


The next step was to create an Award for the best of contemporary art, predominantly to stimulate emerging artists of all expressions: painting, sculpture, installation, video, object art, photography and collective art. Iñaki Bonillas, is the only artist who has won the Tequila 1800 Collection Award in Zona Maco on two occasions.

“Diurnos” Políptico (placa de cobre), 2018. Set de impresiones cromogénicas en papel Fujicolor Crystal Archive. 30x30 cm cada uno (2018) by Iñaki BonillasFundación Beckmann A.C.

Iñaki Bonillas. Polytych “Diurnal” (copper plate), 2018.

Work: Iñaki Bonillas. Polytych “Diurnal” (copper plate), 2018. Set of chromogenic impressions on Fujicolor Crystal Archive paper. 30x30 cm each. This work won the Tequila 1800 Award in 2019.

Tequila Cuervo Art Collection 

Since the beginning of the art program, more than 25 years ago, Casa Cuervo has been buying work from the artists who have participated in its initiatives, which has allowed to build an important art collection to display to the public in the most important museums of contemporary art.

“Diurnos” Políptico (placa de cobre), 2018. Set de impresiones cromogénicas en papel Fujicolor Crystal Archive. 30x30 cm cada uno (2018) by Iñaki BonillasFundación Beckmann A.C.

It has been a great success to have made such an exceptional collection that brings together artists of various currents, styles and generations who have definitively marked the artistic life of the country. Although they are very different from each other, they give this project an additional dimension: that of coming together creating an area that became a national artistic tradition.

Thus, the strength of tequila has made a difference in the recent history of Mexican art.

“Diurnos” Políptico (placa de cobre), 2018. Set de impresiones cromogénicas en papel Fujicolor Crystal Archive. 30x30 cm cada uno (2018) by Iñaki BonillasFundación Beckmann A.C.

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