Exhibitions at the National Library of Brasilia

Meet the artists and projects exhibited over the last 12 years

Instalação da artista Oberlaender (2010) by OberlaenderBiblioteca Nacional de Brasília

The work of Iá Oberlaender

The exhibition Retrospective 800° of Energy and Delicacy by the artist and ceramist Iá Oberlaender, curated by Nando Cosac, was inaugurated on January 15, 2010 at the Exhibition Hall of the Brasilia National Library. The exhibition had about 40 pieces by Iá Oberlaender, including porcelain paintings and oil paintings.

Obras de Oberlaender (2010) by OberlaenderBiblioteca Nacional de Brasília

A painted piece intended mainly as a sample.

Cerâmicas de Oberlaender (2010) by OberlaenderBiblioteca Nacional de Brasília

Fire and discipline

Since the 1970s, the plastic artist has worked and perfected her mastery of the art of firing and uses it to produce plates, jewelry boxes, vases, jugs and trays, fired at temperatures up to 800 degrees, with the same discipline and good humor which she has always displayed in her life.

Peças que integram a obra de Oberlaender (2010) by OberlaenderBiblioteca Nacional de Brasília

The exhibition was also a tribute to her son, the plastic artist and photographer Márcio Oberlaender.

Oberlaender aos 17 anos by OberlaenderBiblioteca Nacional de Brasília

Coming to Brasilia

Born and raised in Copacabana, Iá Oberlaender began to practice her gift at the age of 10 – a gift that would lead her to become an artist half a century later. She moved to Brasília in 1962, then married Sebastião José Coelho. When she became widowed at the age of 65, she returned to the world of art.

Obra na mostra lá Oberlaender (2010) by OberlaenderBiblioteca Nacional de Brasília

She resumed her work copying works by great artists, including Rubens and Michelangelo. Soon she began to dedicate herself to painting on porcelain, attending the atelier of Vitória Ferreira, disciple of Djalma De Vicenzi, a pioneer of the art of fire in Brazil.

Obras de Oberlaender em exposição (2010) by OberlaenderBiblioteca Nacional de Brasília

While there, she learned the various techniques that she later began teaching: gold plate, biscuit and classical, Chinese, and “Companhia das Índias” painting, among others.

Oberlaender made her professional debut in 1987 as a member of the Brazilian Porcelain Art Association and has never stopped exhibiting since. Throughout her years of work, she has sold many pieces and given many to friends, but she also has her own collection. 

Galeria da Exposição Correios Brasiliense by Correio BrazilienseBiblioteca Nacional de Brasília

In 2013, the National Library of Brasília paid tribute to the capital's 53rd anniversary with the re-presentation of the exhibition Brasília Braziliense - 52 Years on the Pages of Our History, held by the Assis Chateaubriand Foundation.

Galeria com capas históricas do jornal Correio Braziliense by Correio BrazilienseBiblioteca Nacional de Brasília

The novelty of the event was the piece showing the cover of the Correio Braziliense newspaper of April 21, 2013.

Galeria com capas históricas do Correio Braziliense by Correio BrazilienseBiblioteca Nacional de Brasília

The main events of the period that gained prominence in the local press were recorded in 54 paintings installed on 13 panels, which reproduced the front pages of newspapers published on April 21, from 1960 to 2013.

Capas históricas de 2003 e 2011 do Correio Braziliense by Correio BrazilienseBiblioteca Nacional de Brasília


All the material that makes up the exhibition was donated to the BNB by the Assis Chateaubriand Foundation in 2012, after the celebrations for Brasília's 52nd anniversary.

Um dos painéns da exposição "Rondon - A construção do Brasil e a Causa Indígena" (2011)Biblioteca Nacional de Brasília

Marechal Rondon and the indigenous cause

After touring around 800 Brazilian municipalities, the exhibition, Rondon - The Construction of Brazil and the Indigenous Cause, arrived at the National Library of Brasilia in 2011.

Marechal Rondon e Juscelino Kubitschek (2011)Biblioteca Nacional de Brasília

The Marshal of Peace

The exhibition was composed of 16 panels, texts, and illustrations about the life and work of Marechal Rondon, also known as the Marshal of Peace.

Texto de apresentação da exposição "Rondon - A construção do Brasil e a Causa Indígena" (2011)Biblioteca Nacional de Brasília


Cândido Mariano da Silva Rondon was born in 1865, in Mato Grosso. Of Indian descent, he was in charge of installing telegraph lines in Brazil, having covered over 50 thousand kilometers of the country’s territory.

Painel da "Exposição Rondon - A construção do Brasil e a Causa Indígena" (2011)Biblioteca Nacional de Brasília

Uma das imagens da "Exposição Rondon - A construção do Brasil e a Causa Indígena" (2011)Biblioteca Nacional de Brasília

Considered a great pacifist, he established a new relationship between the State and the indigenous peoples, besides being one of the defenders of national integration.

Cartaz da "Exposição Rondon - A construção do Brasil e a Causa Indígena" (2011)Biblioteca Nacional de Brasília

Exposição "Concurso de Desenho e Redação" da Controladoria-Geral da União"Biblioteca Nacional de Brasília

Comptroller-General of the Union

The CGU Drawing and Essay Contest is a cultural and recreational activity aimed at awakening students' interest in topics such as ethics, citizenship, social participation, and combating corruption through reflection and discussion of these topics in an educational setting.

Exposição "Concurso de Desenho e Redação da CGU" (2018)Biblioteca Nacional de Brasília

Cartaz da Exposição Revivendo Êxodos (2017)Biblioteca Nacional de Brasília

Visitante da Exposição Revivendo Êxodos (2017)Biblioteca Nacional de Brasília

Projeto Revivendo Êxodos (2017)Biblioteca Nacional de Brasília

Foto integrante da exposição Revivendo Êxodos (2017)Biblioteca Nacional de Brasília

Imagem exposta na exposição Revivendo Êxodos (2017)Biblioteca Nacional de Brasília

Trabalho exposto na exposição Revivendo Êxodos (2017)Biblioteca Nacional de Brasília

Um dos trabalhos da exposição Revivendo Êxodos (2017)Biblioteca Nacional de Brasília

Usuários da Bibliotecam visitam a exposição Revivendo Êxodos (2017)Biblioteca Nacional de Brasília

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