Explore Photographic Books

Spend time with our substantial photography book collection while visiting the gallery. Our collection includes autobiographies, artist monographs, exhibitions catalogs and more.

Library and Resource Center (2023) by Blue Sky StaffBlue Sky, Oregon Center for the Photographic Arts

The Library & Resource Center holds a permanent collection of over 1000 photography related books and ephemera.

Spend Time in Our Library and Resource CenterBlue Sky, Oregon Center for the Photographic Arts

It is a non-circulating collection; you are welcome to enjoy materials at your leisure when Blue Sky is open to the public, but you cannot borrow books from the Library.

Library & Resource CenterBlue Sky, Oregon Center for the Photographic Arts

Discover our Library collection online: Blue Sky Library.

Artist Books and Catalogs (2023) by Blue Sky StaffBlue Sky, Oregon Center for the Photographic Arts

Browse available artist books and catalog for purchase, right by our front desk.

Exhibition Catalogs Over the YearsBlue Sky, Oregon Center for the Photographic Arts

Our publication includes exhibition catalogs. Visitors can find available copies for purchase at the front desk our on our website.

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.
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