William Christie's imaginary woods

Conductor of international renown, William Christie is also a lover of trees and gardens. Follow him on this imaginary walk, along his memories and dreams!

The Cour d'Honneur - William Christie's Gardens (2020)Les Arts Florissants

William Christie's imaginary woods: an introduction

This is my garden

William Christie invites you to enter his garden, imagined and created from scratch by himself around his house in Thiré, in the Vendée. Here, the Cour d'Honneur, through which the visitor enters the premises...

William Christie's Garden seen from above (2020)Les Arts Florissants

William Chrisite in front of his snowy childhood houseLes Arts Florissants

William Christie's imaginary woods: memories of youth (1)

Memories of youth

Trees came into William Christie's life very early on, ever since his American childhood in the State of New York...

William Christie's childhood houseLes Arts Florissants

William Christie's imaginary woods: memories of youth (2)

Gardening, a family passion    

It was first within the family circle that the young William Christie discovered the passion for gardening and more especially, for planting trees.

The Cour d'Honneur - William Christie's Gardens (2020)Les Arts Florissants

William Christie's imaginary woods: discovering the garden "à la française"

Discovering the garden "à la française"

How did a young American fall in love with an art coming from the other side of the Atlantic - the Baroque art?

Lully's "Atys" at the Opéra Comique (1992)Les Arts Florissants

William Christie's imaginary woods: Atys' pine tree

The "Atys" pine tree

In 1987, William Christie's two passions, music and trees, were symbolically intertwined in what will remain one of the great turning points of his career as a musician: the recreation of Lully's opera "Atys" at the Opéra Comique in Paris.

The Building when it was purchased by William Christie in 1985 (2020)Les Arts Florissants

William Christie's imaginary woods: at the origin of the garden adventure

The beginning of the "garden" adventure 

In 1985, the conductor embarked on one of the greatest adventures of his life, buying a late 16th century building surrounded by farmland. With a clear project: to create from scratch his dream garden.

William Christie's Garden seen from above (2020)Les Arts Florissants

William Christie's imaginary woods: everybory doesn't love trees

Not everyone likes trees...

For those who love trees, the adventure is sometimes strewn with pitfalls, as William Christie had the painful experience...

Musical promenade in William Christie's Gardens (2018)Les Arts Florissants

William Christie's imaginary woods: is there a music of trees?

Is there such a thing as tree music?

Every summer since 2012, William Christie has organized a music festival in his garden. Indeed, there is no lack of echoes between nature and music! And this since the antiquity, until the period of predilection of the conductor: the baroque period.

Willow trees along the river - William Christie's Garden (2020)Les Arts Florissants

William Christie's imaginary woods: walking along the willow trees

Walking along with the willows

What is William Christie's daily life like, when he walks alone in his garden?

The willows alley - William Christie's Garden (2020)Les Arts Florissants

Willow trees in springtime - William Christie's Garden (2021)Les Arts Florissants

William Christie's imaginary woods: promenade as a journey in imagination

A walk is like a journey

What if the walk was also a journey, from one season to another, from memory to the present?

Tap to explore

Pine Tree - William Christie's Gardens (2020)Les Arts Florissants

William Christie's imaginary woods: which trees to plant?

Which trees to plant?

William Christie planted many trees in his garden. But not just any trees! These are typical ones of the Vendée region and of the West of France.

The Terrace Garden - William Christie's Gardens (2020)Les Arts Florissants

The Reflecting Pool's perspective - William Christie's Gardens (2020)Les Arts Florissants

William Christie's imaginary woods: fantastic topiaries

Fantastic topiaries

What is a topiary, the technique behind the fantastically shaped trees that inhabit William Christie's gardens?

William Christie's Garden (2020)Les Arts Florissants

William Christie's imaginary woods: planting trees to give life (1)

New trees, always

At seventy-six, William Christie never stops planting new trees in his garden. His latest project: a planted driveway leading to the gates of his house.

Pine Wood - William Christie's Garden (2021)Les Arts Florissants

William Christie's imaginary woods: planting trees to give life (2)

Planting trees to give life

The Yew Theatre - William Christie's Gardens (2020)Les Arts Florissants

William Christie's imaginary woods: a garden to find shelter in

The garden as a haven

Les Indes Galantes - "Forêts paisibles" (2020) by Jean-Philippe Rameau, Les Arts Florissants, and William ChristieLes Arts Florissants

"Peaceful woods"

An extract from Jean-Philippe Rameau's opera "Les Indes galantes"... with an evocative title!

William Christie in his gardens (2021)Les Arts Florissants

Credits: Story

Fondation Les Arts Florissants - William Christie
Voice: William Christie
Coordination: Marie Lobrichon

Les Arts Florissants are supported by the French State, the Regional Direction of Cultural Affairs (DRAC) of the Pays de la Loire, the Départment de la Vendée and the Région Pays de la Loire. In residence at the Philharmonie de Paris, they have received the "Centre Culturel de Rencontre" label. The Selz Foundation and the American Friends of Les Arts Florissants are major sponsors.
Support us: https://bit.ly/2OvtXro

Credits: All media
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