Hainan Boatbuilder of Pangkor Island Transmedia Exhibition 2016

A project of the Centre for Research-Creation in Digital Media at Sunway University, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

Framing (2019-06-05) by CRCDMCentre for Research-Creation in Digital Media (CRCDM)

This research-creation project was undertaken to digitally capture, archive and preserve the livelihood of the Hainan Boatbuilder of Pangkor Island, Perak, Malaysia. It has four parts.

Exhibit 2 (2017-10-15) by CRCDMCentre for Research-Creation in Digital Media (CRCDM)

CRCDM presented this unique cultural heritage in different forms from 3D modelling, 3D printing, augmented and virtual reality. The exhibition was held for 2 weeks (October 10-25, 2016).

Pangkor Boatbuilder ExhibitionCentre for Research-Creation in Digital Media (CRCDM)

Overview of the CRCDM polysensory Hainan Boatbuilder Exhibition held at Sunway University, October 2016.

Rendered Virtual Boat Model (2017-06-15) by CRCDMCentre for Research-Creation in Digital Media (CRCDM)

The first VR digital model of Mr. Goh's fishing boat created by CRCDM.

Exhibit 5 (2017-10-15) by CRCDMCentre for Research-Creation in Digital Media (CRCDM)

The AR booklet display and the on-line survey

Exhibit 4 (2017-10-15) by CRCDMCentre for Research-Creation in Digital Media (CRCDM)

RP boat models and the AR text viewed by a visitor

Exhibit 1 (2017-10-15) by CRCDMCentre for Research-Creation in Digital Media (CRCDM)

Visitors interacting with the AR content

Prayers Marker (2019-07-24) by CRCDMCentre for Research-Creation in Digital Media (CRCDM)

You may download a
PDF of this image to print, and scan them with ZAPPAR on your mobile device, allowing you access augmented reality experience.

Exhibition Documentary 12 mins. (2019-04-15) by CRCDMCentre for Research-Creation in Digital Media (CRCDM)

Master Builder Goh (2019-04-19) by CRCDMCentre for Research-Creation in Digital Media (CRCDM)

Master builder Goh (2019-06-05) by CRCDMCentre for Research-Creation in Digital Media (CRCDM)

This exhibition and the research-creation project that contributed to it is dedicated to Mr. Goh and his team of craftsmen on Pangkor Island, Malaysia.

Credits: Story

Five capture trips were completed to document the whole building process of the fishing boat, over the span of one and a half years. A total of two hours of interviews were completed with the master boatbuilder Mr. Goh Boon Kong. Two senior craftsmen were interviewed in a total of one hour each. A set of openended questions were given to the translator who spoke at length with the interviewees.

Audiovisual data was captured extensively to document the stage-by-stage workflow including the wood delivery to the workshop, the prayer rituals held and the final boat launching process. This was done using a Full HD and a 4K mirrorless camera, a GoPro Hero action camera and an aerial drone. A 360-degree camera was also used to capture the environment and the workshop, to provide a virtual audience experience.

The data was further used to produce a twenty-four minute video documentary that unfolds the personal story of this unique boatbuilder of Pangkor Island. It premiered at the Canada- China International Film Festival, Montreal Canada, September 2016.

This project was created by the the team at the Centre for Research-Creation in Digital Media (CRCDM) in the School of Arts in Sunway University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Produced and directed by Prof Harold Thwaites and Delas Santano

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.