The Relationship Between Art and Your Environment

Explore ANAT Synapse 2023 resident Ross Manning's project, "Aerosol."

Breath the building - Aerosol (1) (2023) by Ross ManningAustralian Network for Art and Technology

Collaborating with Distinguished Professor Lidia Morawska and Dr Anna Tweeddale at QUT, Ross Manning's project "Aerosol" creatively explored how art might provoke new thinking about living in, and interacting with, buildings and their indoor atmospheres.

Paper fans - Aerosol (3) (2023) by Ross ManningAustralian Network for Art and Technology

Informed by state-of-the-art science and technologies for monitoring air quality, as well as ventilating/filtrating the indoor environment, Aerosol produced DIY experiments in kinetic, immersive, and interactive art.

Breath the building - Aerosol (2) (2023) by Ross ManningAustralian Network for Art and Technology

Breath the building

Ultraviolet light can kill airborne pathogens and sanitise the air. It can also cause cancer and unwanted chemical reactions. In this work, a parachute "breathes" in "dirty" air, cleans with UV, then exhales "clean" air.

Paper fans - Aerosol (4) (2023) by Ross ManningAustralian Network for Art and Technology

Paper fans

The movement and circulation of air, via ventilation and movement by viewers, activates white paper fans, with LED touched underneath, casting a variegated show around the bottom of the walls of the space. An awareness of gas.

an atmosphere inside an atmosphere inside an atmosphere inside an atmosphere inside an atmosphere inside an atmosphere inside an atmosphere inside an atmosphere inside an atmosphere inside an atmosphere inside an atmosphere inside an atmosphere inside an atmosphere inside an atmosphere inside an atmosphere inside an atmosphere inside an atmosphere inside - Aerosol (5) (2023) by Ross ManningAustralian Network for Art and Technology

An atmosphere inside an atmosphere inside an atmosphere...

Thinking about the chemical soup of an atmosphere. Inside your lungs, inside the room, inside the building, in your location on planet earth.

Ross Manning HeadshotAustralian Network for Art and Technology

Ross completed his ANAT Synapse residency in 2023. Read about the other 2023 ANAT Synapse resident, Alicia Sometimes, here.

Credits: Story

1. Ross Manning, Breath the building. 2024. silk parachute, fans, UV light, interval timers, aluminium.
2. Ross Manning, Paper fans. 2024. Paper fans, LED torch, cable.
3. Ross Manning, an atmosphere inside an atmosphere inside an atmosphere inside an atmosphere inside an atmosphere inside an atmosphere inside an atmosphere inside an atmosphere inside an atmosphere inside an atmosphere inside an atmosphere inside an atmosphere inside an atmosphere inside an atmosphere inside an atmosphere inside an atmosphere inside an atmosphere inside. 2024. Plastic bag, clips, blower fan. Articulated bench lamp. (Later version uses bamboo, motors, steel, rope also).
4. Ross Manning photograph, courtesy of the artist.

Credits: All media
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