Somerset House Studios: Music Hackspace

London based community for innovators and hobbyists passionate about music technology and sound art. Organises regular DIY workshops and events.

Music Hackspace by Music HackspaceSomerset House

Music Hackspace is a platform for experimenting and interacting with sound and technology. Incorporating diverse methodologies and aiming to create an open playground and exchange of ideas and sounds that embraces new and old technologies. Newly available open source platforms, both hardware and software, are granting far wider accessibility to new interactions with music and audio that has not been possible before. It’s with these technologies that Music Hackspace base their programme of workshops, artist talks and meetups, and hope to encourage people of all backgrounds to create and engage with music in previously unrealised ways.

Music Hackspace (1905-07-09/1905-07-09) by Music HackspaceSomerset House

Music Hackspace was founded by Jean-Baptiste Thiebaut in 2011, beginning as a subgroup of the London Hackspace in Hoxton with early activities consisting of weekly meet-ups where participants could present and discuss their projects to an engaged audience with a set of common interests: sound, music, creativity and technology.

The Music Hackspace programme is produced and curated by Susanna Garcia and Tadeo Sendon.

Sarabande For Zamboni | Skate at Somerset House by Anna Meredith and Music HackspaceSomerset House

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