Anthony, 'The Saint Beyond Carmo' - Part II: Memory

A project developed by Paulo Munhoz (Federal University of Santa Maria - Frederico Westphalen (RS) and external researcher at the Online Journalism Research Group (Gjol) at the Federal University of Bahia)

Outline of three churches. (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

These are the three most important churches of Salvador: Church of the Blessed Sacrament of Rua do Passo (Igreja do Santíssimo Sacramento da Rua do Passo), Church of the Third Order of Carmo (Igreja da Ordem Terceira do Carmo), Church and Convent of Carmo (Igreja e Convento do Carmo.

Sobrado' (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

The countless townhouses (sobrados), with two or more floors, are a mark of the Portuguese colonization.

Reflex (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

Reflex of Casa de Oitão in the window.

Teaching room (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

The Educandário (a teaching room).
This space was founded in 1903 in the Convent of Bom Jesus dos Perdões and Chapel of Mercy (Capela de Nossa Senhora da Piedade e Recolhimento de Bom Jesus dos Perdões)

Altar (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

Altar in the church of Nossa Senhora da Conceição do Boqueirão.

Church of Santo Antônio Além do Carmo (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

The church of Saint Anthony beyond Carmo (igreja de Santo Antônio Além do Carmo) viewed from the Capoeira Fortress (Forte de Santo António Além do Carmo). Sister Dulce (canonized by the Vatican in 2019) was baptized and made her First Holy Communion in this church.

Capoeira's Fort (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

Capoeira Fortress. This construction dates back to the Dutch invasions in Brazil, around 1624.

Square of Pascoal's Cross (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

Square of Pascoal's Cross (Largo da Cruz do Pascoal). This monument was built by Pascoal Marques de Almeida in 1743 to pay a promise to Our Lady of Pilar (Nossa Senhora do Pilar).

View from the tower (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

View from the top of the church of Saint Anthony beyond Carmo. We can see the Capoeira Fortress and the Bay of All Saints (Baía de Todos os Santos).

Capoeira's Fort Facade (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

Facade of the Capoeira Fortress. This fort was built in the northern entrance of the city and fought the attempts of the Dutch invasion during the colonial period. Today, it is a symbol of resistance, and also a culture center that hosts Capoeira academies.

Through the branches (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

The bulb-like tower of the church of Saint Anthony beyond Carmo.

View of the bandstand and the church (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

The church of Saint Anthony Beyond Carmo was founded in 1594 as a tribute to Saint Anthony of Padua.

Bandstand (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

The bandstand in the Barão do Triunfo square.

Square of Arms (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

Square of Arms (Praça das Armas) in the Capoeira Fortress

Ladeira do Boqueirão' (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

The paving stones are called 'black hearts'. The street ends at the staircases of the church of Nossa Senhora da Conceição do Boqueirão, built by the Ordem Terceira dos Homens Pardos, in 1726.

Right street (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

The Right Street (Rua Direita) is the main street of Saint Anthony Beyond Carmo neighborhood.

Reflexes (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

Architectural details.

In the sacristy (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

From the windows of the church of Boqueirão's sacristy, it is possible to see the Bay of All Saints and the island of Itaparica.

Bastion (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

In the context of the second Dutch invasion, Governor-General Diogo Luís de Oliveira (1626-1635), ordered the construction of trenches. This fortification was called Santiago Bastion (Baluarte de Santiago).

Inside the walls (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony

Located high on a hill, the Capoeira Fortress had an important role securing the city.

Project: Antônio, the Saint from Além Carmo (Memory) (21th Century) by Paulo MunhozVirtual Museum of Lusophony


This video is the result of the project Anthony, the Saint Beyond Carmo (Antônio, Santo do Além Carmo). It aims to enhance and strengthen the memory and culture of the neighborhood of Saint Anthony Beyond Carmo, in Salvador, Bahia, in an attempt to preserve the history, customs and traditions of one of the oldest neighborhoods in Brazil.

Credits: Story

Project and Photography: Professor Doutor Paulo Munhoz.

Paulo Munhoz is a photographer, journalist, designer and teacher, with 25 years of experience practice in journalistic photography. PhD in Contemporary Communication and Culture from the Federal University of Bahia, he is currently an adjunct professor at the
Federal University of Santa Maria - Frederico Westphalen (RS) and external researcher of the Group of Research in Online Journalism (Gjol) at the Federal University of Bahia.

Project producer and video director:
Agneya Ferraz

Video editing:
Lindiwe Aguiar


Bomfim, J.D. (2007). Salvador da Bahia: Estudo geográfico do centro histórico e a sua integração sócio-urbana. Tese de Doutorado. Doutorado em Geografia da Facultad de Geografia e Historia, Universidad de Salamanca.

Dorea, L. E. (2006). Histórias de Salvador nos nomes das suas ruas. Coleção Bahia de Todos. Salvador: EDUFBA.

Moreira, V. D.; Souza, M. C. B. (1975). Notas históricas sobre Santo Antônio Além do Carmo. Fundação do Patrimônio Artístico e Cultural da Bahia. Coordenação de Planejamento e Pesquisas Sociais. Setor de Planejamento e Pesquisas Sociais. Salvador.

Nascimento, A. A. V. (2007). Dez freguesias da cidade do Salvador: aspectos sociais e urbanos do século XIX. Coleção Bahia de Todos. Salvador: EDUFBA.

Ribeiro, D. A. (2007). Análise do processo de gentrificação na localidade do Santo Antônio Além do Carmo de 1985 à 2007. Monografia em Geografia. Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas. Universidade Católica do Salvador/UCSal.

Santos, M. (1959). Milton. O centro da Cidade do Salvador: estudo da geografia urbana. Salvador: Universidade da Bahia.

Vasconcelos, P. A. (2002). Salvador: Transformações e permanências (1549-1999). Ilhéus: Editus.

Vilhena, L. A. (1922). Cartas de Vilhena Noticias Soteropolitanas e Brasílicas 2 Volumes. Salvador: Imprensa Official do Estado Ba.

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.
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