Marina Abramović

Gallerist Giulia Biafore talks about the milestone of performing arts

Making of Relation in Time (1977) by Marina AbramovićLa Galleria Nazionale


Making of Relation in Time is made by three chromogenic prints realized during the performance Relation in Time that took place in Studio G7 Gallery in Bologna, on 8 October 1977.

Making of Relation in Time (detail) (1977) by Marina AbramovićLa Galleria Nazionale


The performance by Marina Abramović and Ulay lasted 17 hours: during the first 16 hours no audience was admitted. Marina and Ulay remained seated back-to-back, tied together by their own hair without making any movement, gesture or saying a word.

My Way (2017)La Galleria Nazionale


At the 17th hour, the audience entered the space and the artists continued to stay in the same position for the whole final hour.

Relazione nel tempo (1977) by Marina AbramovicLa Galleria Nazionale


In a sort of endurance test, the bodies connected only by hair became the center of every nerve impulse, creating the core of the relational process, completely distinct from the space around the bodies.


Relation in Time is the first long performance realized by the two artists. In a recent conversation with Ginevra Grigolo, founder of Studio G7, Marina Abramović defined this performance as fundamental for the genesis of her following actions, milestone in the history of performing arts.

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