Ancient egyptian world


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BY:Treasure Johnson     In the gallery that you are about to view shows different art pieces that will show Ancient Egyptian mythology. within the mythology you will see about the gods, life and death, and the different beliefs far as a higher power. among the different pictures in the gallery notice the different colors that was used in the creation of the pieces.                                             

Clay hydria of Hadra type, Alexandrine workshop, -0300/-0200, From the collection of: Benaki Museum of Greek Civilization
this is a vase that can go into the tomb in after life. the belief of the after life was very strong and all the egyptians wanted to please the gods so that the sprits of the dead could live in peace in the after life. on the vase is a couple birds which are one of the celebrated animals of Ancient egypt.
Prize Vessel from the Athenian Games, 340 - 339 B.C., From the collection of: The J. Paul Getty Museum
this is a image of the goddess named Athena the is the goddess of war and wisdom the Egyptians looked to her for guidance in times of war. the colors on this vase make it seem like a dark time has come to the Egyptians.
Panathenaic amphora, Greek, Attic, in the manner of the Berlin Painter, -0500/-0490, From the collection of: Princeton University Art Museum
this is a image of a vase. the Egyptians put the vases like these in to the tombs as a decoration piece and so the person could have nice things in the after life these things go with the belief that a person died and could have possessions in the after life to do what they pleas and live eternally wealthy.
Statuette of Hathor, Unknown, ca. 664-30 B.C.E. or later, From the collection of: Brooklyn Museum
Hathor was important in many different aspects of life and death. She is considered the most powerful goddess next to Isis. she id also known as the "Lady of the Stars" and she id celebrated and known throughout that area because she watches over the stars, the moon, the sun and all of the skies.
Detail of the east frieze (Block VI)., Pheidias Workshop, 442-438 BC, From the collection of: Acropolis Museum
the image that is being shown is of Athena the goddess of war and wisdom. she is shown in a lot of the art looking over the Egyptian soldiers when at war. in this image she is whit her brothers who are gods. just like the greeks the Egyptians had strong beliefs in the gods and goddess
in this picture of the coffin it shows the top and the inside of the coffin. I like this picture because it has more details, the colors are rich and shows the details more which helps with the story that is being told. this fits with my theme because of the after life.
Bottom of Coffin, Unknown, ca. 1070-945 B.C.E., From the collection of: Brooklyn Museum
this image is go the bottom of a coffin and it shows the journey a sprit takes in the after life, all of the obstacles and task that have to be completed in order for their sprit to live peacefully for eternity. this fits the theme because it shows death, color and describes the myth and spiritual belief behind death and the after life
Figurine of god Anubis, unknown, -700/-332, From the collection of: Rijksmuseum van Oudheden
In this picture it shows a statue of Anubis the god of death. they believed that Anubis would watch over them after they passed on. they also believed that he would protect their body during the mummification process. this fits into the theme of the gallery because he is a god and also the color of the statue and its detail with the colors.
Horus Falcon Wearing Double Crown, Unknown, ca. 664-30 B.C.E., From the collection of: Brooklyn Museum
This is a statue showing Horus falcon wearing a double crown. i feel this fits my theme because in some myths in ancient Egypt they talk about the horus falcon. they believed that different animals were sprit guides some believe that they had a sprit bird to show them the way to the after life
Upper Part of Figurine of the Goddess Isis, Unknown, 305-30 B.C.E., From the collection of: Brooklyn Museum
This is a statue of ISIS the goddess of marriage, Egyptians would pray to her before marriage to bless the union and keep praying afterwards to keep the blessing upon the marriage. This is a great example of my theme because it falls under the Egyptian Gods.
Credits: All media
This user gallery has been created by an independent third party and may not represent the views of the institutions whose collections include the featured works or of Google Arts & Culture.