Creative Life

Explore the workshop of Romans Suta.

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Romans Suta Workshop

There is very little evidence as to how this room was arranged and what its original details were. Once Tatjana Suta regained the room, she installed an exhibition of art produced by her father, Romans Suta, because before World War II, the room had housed his workshop.

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Workshop Exposition

The exhibition in the room at this time presents the creative life of Romans Suta and Aleksandra Beļcova in the 1920s, also offering a look at Romans Suta as an individual.

Decorations sketch for Igor Stravinsky's ballet "Pulcinella" (1933/1933) by Romans SutaRomans Suta and Aleksandra Beļcova Museum

Creative Life

Both Suta and Beļcova began their lives as artists at the Penza School of Art. They were both graduated in 1917 and spent a bit of time in Petrograd. Both Suta and Beļcova studied French and Russian modern art in Russia, and this had much to do with their future work.

People on the street. From drawings cycle "Street" (1927/1929) by Romans SutaRomans Suta and Aleksandra Beļcova Museum

Influences on Creative Life

In the early 1920s, Romans Suta and Aleksandra Beļcova were influenced by French Cubism. Of great importance in the creative history of artists is the trip that they took to Paris and Berlin were they found themselves among German and Russian constructivists.

Sketches for decorative plates "Dancers" and "Fishermen" (1928/1932) by Romans SutaRomans Suta and Aleksandra Beļcova Museum

Porcelain Painting Workshop "Baltars"

In 1924, Suta, Beļcova and the Latvian graphic artist Sigismunds Vidbergs established a porcelain painting workshop, Baltars. Suta designed decorative dishes for interiors in the new style of National Constructivism.

Costume sketch for Carlo Gozzi's play "Princess Turandot" (1926/1926) by Romans SutaRomans Suta and Aleksandra Beļcova Museum

Scenography and costume designs

Suta was also an active set and costume designer in the 1920s and 1930s, working with a number of theatrical and ballet performances in Rīga, Jelgava, Liepāja and Rēzekne. The stage and costume decorations designed by Romans Suta can be seen in the exhibition.

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