Public Life

Discover Aleksandra Beļcova’s bedroom and the living room.

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Room of Public Life

This space merges together two different rooms – Aleksandra Beļcova’s bedroom and the living room, which was used for a long period of time as Beļcova’s workshop.

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Exposure of Public Life

Tatjana Suta established an exhibition of Aleksandra Beļcova’s artworks here, but now the space reflects the public life of Romans Suta and Aleksandra Beļcova, with one zone dedicated to Aleksandra Beļcova as an individual.

Rural musicians (1928/1934) by Romans SutaRomans Suta and Aleksandra Beļcova Museum

Social Life of the Artists' Family

Romans Suta and Aleksandra Beļcova, as well as their daughter, Tatjana, were active in society, with a wide range of friends and acquaintances from the world of culture.

On the Bench (1919/1920) by Romans SutaRomans Suta and Aleksandra Beļcova Museum

Social Life in Different Time Periods

Initially people gathered together at the Sukubs café, which was run by Romans’ mother, Natālija Suta. Later, particularly during the Soviet period, various social events were held here at the flat.

Illustration version for Aleksandrs Čaks "Poem about Cabman" (1930/1930) by Romans SutaRomans Suta and Aleksandra Beļcova Museum

Group Members

During the first half of 1920s Suta and Beļcova were members of the Riga Group of Artists. In 1926 they left it but by that time both were already involved in two other organisations - Baltars and the Zaļā vārna (Green Crow) association.

Sketch for wall panel with dancers (for "Book-industrialist canteen" in Riga?) (1928/1939) by Romans SutaRomans Suta and Aleksandra Beļcova Museum

Group Life in Different Time Periods

Suta and Beļcova contributed works to exhibitions organised in 1928 by the Rīga Association of Graphic Artists. After World War II, Aleksandra Beļcova joined the Soviet Latvian Artists Union, because otherwise she would have found it very difficult to work as an artist.

Self-portrait in decorations workshop (1929/1929) by Romans SutaRomans Suta and Aleksandra Beļcova Museum

Romans Suta as an Art Critic

Romans Suta worked also as an art critic, and this allowed him to establish contacts with journalists. Both artists attended the annual ball of the Latvian Press Association.

The Wrestlers (1915/1915) by Romans SutaRomans Suta and Aleksandra Beļcova Museum

Europe Tours

Of great importance in the professional growth of Romans Suta and Aleksandra Beļcova were their foreign tours, during which they studied examples of classical and modern art and met with some of Europe’s most distinguished modern artists.

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