

Rockwell Kent

Projeto Portinari

Projeto Portinari
Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Agradece a generosidade de Portinari, acusando recebimento de fotografias de obras. Informa estar enviando cópia de carta recebida do Ministro da Educação, Gustavo Capanema, elogiando Portinari. Comenta o atual momento político nos Estados Unidos.

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  • Título: Correspondência
  • Criador: Rockwell Kent
  • Data de criação: 1938-05-18
  • Local: Au Sable Forks NY, Rio de Janeiro RJ
  • Procedência: Acervo do Projeto Portinari
  • Palavras-chave do assunto: Vida Artística, Obras de arte, reproduções
  • Transcrição:
    CO-2445 Kent, Rockwell. [Carta] 1938 May 18, Au Sable Forks, NY [para] Candido Portinari, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. 2 p. [inglês][datilografado] My dear Portinari: Just after the arrival of the portrait about two weeks ago, and before I could write to you my thanks, I left for New York. I have been here ever since until two days ago. I wrote to you promptly, but found that I was without your address. Now I am writing you again. First of all, I am sending you my heartfelt thanks for your great generosity for giving me so much of your time and thought and work. I have never, any where in my life, met so generous and open hearted painter as yourself, and I should include with this, for she is part of you, Maria. Secondly I have to tell you that, upon my return home over the past weekend. I found your group of photographs. I was glad to receive them for I can now get to work and try and find a gallery that will be actively interested in bringing you to North America. I am sending you a copy of the letter that I received from your Minister of Education. A Puerto Rican friend of mine has translated it for me. I am happy to see the high appreciation which he has for you and your work. I am keeping the original letter because it will be of value in introducing you to the American public. Times, I must warn you, are very bad in the United States at present. The depression of the moment is said, by many people, to be actually more severe than the depression of several years ago. We have practically as many millions without employment and that same general fear of spending that caused us all such distress before. It is a fact that must be borne in mind in regard to your coming to America, or, I should say, that will be borne in mind by the dealer who, I hope, will be found to interest himself in bringing you here. Artists are having a very hard time and thousands of them are receiving government relief. Private patronage is at a very low end, and although of course we still have our countless thousands who are wealthy, they seem not inclined to spend their money on that luxury, art. But there are many months before you will be starting, if that can be arranged, and there is still time for things to change for the better. I send you, Maria and your sister, my affectionate regards, and be sure that I keep you in my memory. Faithfully yours, Rockwell Kent
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  • Tipo: carta
  • Editora: Projeto Portinari
  • Link externo:
  • Direitos: Rockwell Kent
  • Tipo de dado na Coleção: CO
  • Número: 2445
Projeto Portinari

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