completely. That the Nationalist government has repudiated official policies in this regard and recognised the Paramount Chieftancy of that House shows the extent to which they are prepared to go in buying the support fo the chiefs.
Under the UTTGC were the 26 District Councils with the magistrate as chairman, and 6 African members, 4 of whom were elected by the tax payers and 2 nominated by the magistrate. In Eastern and Western Pondoland 2 were elected by tax payers, 2 by the Paramount Chief and 2 by the magistrate. The main function of the Bunga was to advise the government on any proposed legislation affecting
Africans in the area and exercise funcitons specifically entrusted to it by the government. These related mainly to taxation, agriculture, rehabilitaion schemes, construction of roads and dams, dipping and scholarships. Its resolutions were purely advisory and were subject to review by a separate conference consisting of the chief magistrate and the 26 magistrates. All of which thus made the Bunga a mixture of democratic impulse severely restricted by paternalism borm of white overlordship.
Although the Bunga was certainly the most influential political body in the Transkei and provided a platform for the people of the whole area to meet and review their problems, it was not the only political organ in the territory. There were a number of mass organisations, national and purely local, whose policies clashed with those of the official body and who held that African aspirations could never be achieved through government institutions. But these organisations were relatively weak and divided and at no time did they exercise the Bunga commanded.