
Panorama photograph of the members of the Dutch and American Central New-Guinea Expedition (or Stirling expedition)

Charles Le Roux (1885 - 1947)1926/1926

Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen

Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Het grote groepsportret met alle leden van de Amerikaans Nederlandse Centraal Nieuw-Guinea Expeditie, gefotografeerd door C.C.F.M. Le Roux met het Eastman-Kodak panoramatoestel in Albatros-bivak op 10 juni 1926.

Afgedrukt door de Firma Charls en Van Es en Co. De panoramafoto's zijn opgenomen met een Eastman-Kodak panoramatoestel, dat door de Heer Krause, chef van de firma Charls en Van Es en Co. welwillend in bruikleen is afgestaan voor de hele duur der expeditie.

Samenstelling van het expeditiepersoneel van links naar rechts:
R.K. Peck (filmoperator),
J.J. Korteman (verplegingsofficier),
J.W.E. Hoffmann (Officier v. Gezondheid),
S.A. Hedberg (journalist),
Prof. M.W. Stirling (Antropoloog en ethnoloog),
Dr. W. Docters van Leeuwen (Expeditieleider en bioloog),
Kapitein R. Posthumus (Commandant dekkingsdetachement),
J. Jordans (1e luitenant),
H. Hoyte (vliegenier),
A.E. Hamar (Mecanicien),
C.C.F.M. Le Roux (topograaf en ethnograaf).

Achter de expeditiestaf, staand, de onderofficieren en militairen behorend tot het dekkingsdetachement. Rechts de Dajakploeg met in de voorste rij hun beide hoofden Anji-Ipoei (met de zilveren ster) en Taman Lendah. Links op de foto de dwangarbeidersploeg, daarvoor staand de mantri-topograaf Mohammed Saleh. Tegelijk met deze panoramaopname van Le Roux maakte R.K. Peck een filmopname van de complete expeditiedeelnemers die verwerkt is in de film over deze expeditie.

Matthew Stirling schrijft over dit groepsportret in zijn verslag: "June 10th...... At 8 o'clock this morning, practically the whole expedition staff, convicts, soldiers and Dayaks - were lined up and photographed. Leroux (C.C.F.M. Le Roux) took a couple of pictures with his panorama camera and Dick (R.K. Peck) took movies of the crowd" in: Journal of Matthew Stirling, edited and annotated by Paul Michael Taylor, Asian Cultural History Program, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institute Washington.

Stanley Hedberg schijft in zijn verslag: "Thursday June 10 1926. The weather didn't look so good in the morning when we arose. It was cloudy most of the morning. Leroux (C.C.F.M. Le Roux) had the entire outfit, soldiers, convicts, Dayaks and the staff lined up for a picture with his panorama camera. Dick (R.K. Peck) got movies of it. It is an impressive bunch for in numbers it runs considerably over three hundred people. That is many mouths to feed in this country when everything has to be carried here. I also shot a close up of the staff with the graflex. The Dutch army men were all dolled up in their Khakai (sic) uniforms and were spick and span. We with our beards and ordinary clothes looked more like jungle explorers than they did but they will probably say we are slovenly. We sure look the part. However, one doesn't come to New Guinea to dress up. We came here to explore" in: Journal of Stanley Hedberg, edited and annotated by Paul Michael Taylor, Asian Cultural History Program, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institute Washington.

14,1 x 81,3cm (5 9/16 x 32in.)

Source: collectie.tropenmuseum.nl

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  • Title: Panorama photograph of the members of the Dutch and American Central New-Guinea Expedition (or Stirling expedition)
  • Creator: Charles Le Roux (1885 - 1947)
  • Date: 1926/1926
  • Location: Mamberamo (river)
Nationaal Museum van Wereldculturen

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