"The garden is, so to speak, a picture scroll" said the late founder of the museum. Adachi Zenko. His thoughts about Japanese painting and his passion for landscape gardening produced 165,000 square meters Japanese garden: The Dry Landscape Garden, The White Gravel and Pine Garden, he Moss Garden, and The Pond Garden. With every step you take, the graceful view before you makes you calm and in accordance with the Japanese paintings. The changing seasons, with azaleas in the spring time, the soft verdant green in summer, the glowing red of maples in autumn, and the snowscape of winter, all add to tour enjoyment of the museum. The museum collection of artwork includes the work of such great artists of modern Japanese painting as Yokoyama Taikan, Takeuchi Seiho, Kawai Gyokudo, Tomioka Tessai, Sakakibara Shiho and Uemura Shoen, among others. The paintings, close to 2,000 in number , are shown at four special exhibitions each year. Moreover, now is the time to see the elegant gardens and the great paintings together, Our museum is noted for having the largest collection of Taikan's work and twenty of his works are regularly on exhibit. The museum's main building also houses various works by ceramic artists, Kitaoji Rosanjin, paintings for children by artists such works. In addition, the annex offers the opportunity to enjoy the originality of contemporary Japanese paintings. For an introduction to the museum, you can watch this video: https://youtu.be/L8Ew2KMwl1M
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