Celebrate Black Art in Brazil and Beyond

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Spotlight on: Afro Brazil Museum

Over 6,000 works highlight the importance of African people in the formation of Brazilian culture, heritage and identity as known nowadays. It offers a celebration of the art and accomplishments of the Africans and Afro-Brazilians showcase in a building designed by renowned Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer.

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Mariana Xambá, Isabel Mina, Mariana da Costa and Clara Courá were African women who stood out in insurrections that happened in Minas Gerais.


In Itabira during the 1720s, Mariana da Costa, married to the African Manoel Mina, was denounced because in her “house people of the same nation gathered together in merrymaking.”


In 1744, Mariana Xambá and Clara Courá were accused of organizing the conspiracy that disseminated messianic and millenarian ideas in the town of Serro Frio.

Mariana Xambá e Mariana da Costa Clara Courá e Isabel Mina, by Renata Felinto

The women that fought the insurrections in Minas Gerais...

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More to discover in the Black Encyclopedia

Black artists representing Black people in the Pinacoteca de São Paulo collection

Keep exploring Black history and culture

Explore the history, arts, and culture of the Afro-Brazilian experience
