The Mysterious World of Anatolia

Explore Anatolia's Largest Cemetery

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Ahlat Seljuk Cemetery is an archaeological site located in the Ahlat district of Bitlis province. There are 8.169 gravestones of various types in this cemetery, dating from the 12th to the 16th centuries.

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The area where the cemetery is located has been inhabited since prehistoric times. Ahlat was founded as a principality center by the Ahlatshahs in the 12th century. During this period, Ahlat became an important cultural and art center.

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Most of the tombstones in the cemetery belong to the Ahlatshahs, Ayyubids, Ilkhanate and Ottoman periods. These tombstones are important examples of Seljuk art.

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The shapes of the tombstones, the inscriptions and ornaments on them reflect the artistic understanding of the period. Most of the tombstones are decorated with geometric shapes, plant motifs and inscriptions.

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Ahlat Seljuk Cemetery is one of Türkiye's most important archaeological sites and the largest Muslim cemetery in the world.

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Click here to find out more about Ahlat Square Cemetery.

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