There are concerts all year round, yes, but also much more!

Les concerts à l’année, oui, mais le reste aussi ! by Yoann GaliottoPaloma - SMAC de Nîmes Métropole

While indoor concerts are the submerged part of the iceberg, daily life at Paloma is much more varied! Between artistic accompaniment, creative residencies, welcoming audiences, and cultural actions, both at Paloma and outside the walls or festival, there's no time to get bored!

L’école, ça peut être -super- classe by Mateo SanchezPaloma - SMAC de Nîmes Métropole

School can be – super – awesome

Each year, many projects are carried out with schoolchildren, from elementary level to high school. Example: Paloma Mon Chœur, here with Verdée. The children participate in all stages of creation, including writing, rehearsals, and of course, performing on stage!

Un accompagnement à la carte by PalomaPaloma - SMAC de Nîmes Métropole

An à la carte accompaniment

Advising, helping with the development of an artist or group, facilitating links with professionals: this is the crucial role of the support team. From scenography to communication, administration, help with the production of professional materials, they offer real à la carte assistance!

Credits: Story

Paloma - SMAC de Nîmes Métropole -
Creation: Paloma
Photos: ©Yoann Galiotto, Photo de Slaves – This Is Not A Love Song 2019 ©Boby Allin, ©Mateo Sanchez, ©Paloma

Credits: All media
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