A Sacred Conversation by Paris Bordon

Discover the details of a masterpiece

he Virgin and Child on the throne with Saint Henry of Uppsala and Saint Anthony of Padua (1530/1570) by Paris BordonPinacoteca Metropolitana "Corrado Giaquinto"

The Titianesque picture of Madonna

Also known as Pàris Bordone (born in Treviso in 1500, and dead in Venice in 1571), he was a painter who also worked together with Titian, while being characterized by a more markedly mannerist approach and a vigor that show his provincial formation.

Saint Henry from Uppsala

Dead in 1156, Henry of Uppsala was a British Catholic bishop, venerated as a Saint by the Catholic Church and remembered by other Churches as an evangelizer of Finland

Saint Anthony of Padua

Born in Lisbon in 1195, and dead in Padua in 1231, he is one of the most important Saints of the Franciscan Order; you can recognize him for the lily and the Franciscan habit

The Child Jesus

in reading a book, playing with Saint Henry

The complete signature

The painter signs this work twice in two different places. This is the first one: O(PUS) PARIS BORDONUS IN VENETIIS

A second signature on the floor

And this is another, but shorter, signature: PAR(IS) BOR(DON)....
not so easy to find

The crozier's bishop and a wonderful Giorgionesque landscape

The landscape in the background, rich in green tones, is one of the most characteristic elements of Venetian Renaissance painting

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