Saint Nicholas and His Life

Discover it through the works of the Pinacoteca

Saint Nicholas and stories from His life (1200/1300) by Apulian painterPinacoteca Metropolitana "Corrado Giaquinto"

Like a storytelling...

Around Saint Nicholas you can find the pictures with episodes of his life


Nativity of Nicholas (above in the left) and the young Nicholas in front of Bishop of Myra (above in the middle)

Election as bishop

Nicholas, still a layman, was chosen from among the priests of the Cathedral as bishop


Nicholas is Bishop of Myra

Nicholas rescues the sailors

He suddenly appears and chases away the devils


the sailors recognize the miracle and prostrate themselves in front of the saint

Against the devils...

A diabolical spirit, in the guise of a pilgrim, gives the sailors of a ship leaving for Mira a vial full of oil with which to anoint the walls of the city's Cathedral

Another apparition to the sailors

The Saint appears to the sailors, ordering them to throw the oil into the sea which, in contact with the water, catches fire, revealing the diabolical machination

Protector of marriageable girls

The young Nicola secretly leaves three bags of gold coins  as a dowry to the father of three poor girls (above, in the middle); then, their father prostrates himself to the saint to thank him

Protector of prisoners...

In a prison, three soldiers sentenced to death invoke St. Nicholas

Against death sentences

Saint Nicholas stops the hand of the officer who is about to behead the three prisoners, saving them from death

Saint Nicholas

in the works of the Pinacoteca

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