Part 8: The Pandemic and the Lead-Up to the 2020 Election
It was January 2020, the fourth year of Donald Trump's presidency. A deadly virus came to America as part of a worldwide pandemic, and life as we have always known it suddenly changed. We sequestered in our homes. Efforts to control the virus were politicized.
There was a huge economic downturn. George Floyd was killed by the Minneapolis police, leading to worldwide protests against systemic racism and other social justice issues. All of this was taking place in the lead-up to the 2020 presidential election. It was a perfect and tumultuous storm.
Don't Worry, I've Got It All Under Control (2020-03-04) by Jeff GatesChamomile Tea Party
Don't Worry, I've Got It All Under Control, 2020
At the beginning of 2020, Donald Trump faced his first national health crisis, COVID-19. In 2018, the President fired the government’s pandemic team of experts, so his administration was not prepared for this crisis.
When Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization (WHO), declared the coronavirus a global public health emergency on January 30, 2020, the federal government had no one in place to respond to this emergency.
Don't Worry, I've Got It All Under Control (2020-03-04) by Jeff GatesChamomile Tea Party
Rather than appoint a person with experience to head the government’s efforts, Trump selected Vice President Pence to oversee planning. But his public health track record was questionable. As Governor of Indiana, Pence prolonged an HIV outbreak by refusing to institute a needle exchange program.
One of the Trump Administration’s first acknowledgments of the virus was anything but calming. Instead of addressing the health threat, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross appeared on Fox Business to suggest that China’s outbreak might improve the United States’ job prospects. On Sean Hannity’s Fox News program, the President said people just get better from the virus and even go to work while they’re sick.
Meanwhile, the stock markets suffered their most significant losses since the 2008 bank crisis on pandemic fears, including the Dow Jone’s most significant drop in one day on February 27, 2020: 1191 points. Trump, who touted his economic policies, feared this drop would negatively affect his re-election. And the next day, his son, Donald Trump, Jr., accused the Democrats of hoping the pandemic “kills millions of people so that they could end Donald Trump’s streak of winning….” Rush Limbaugh called the pandemic a “deep state plot” to bring down the President, and Trump agreed. On his radio show, Limbaugh said, “I want to tell you the truth about the coronavirus. The coronavirus is the common cold, folks.”
Calling into the Sean Hannity show on Fox News, Donald Trump downplayed COVID early on. He even suggested people could go to work while sick with it.
I'm Willing to Sacrifice My 401K to Defeat Trump. But What About Those Who Live Paycheck to Paycheck? (2020-03-09) by Jeff GatesChamomile Tea Party
I'm Willing to Sacrifice My 401K to Defeat Trump. But What About Those Who Live Paycheck to Paycheck? (2020-03-09) by Jeff GatesChamomile Tea Party
I’m Willing to Sacrifice My 401K to Defeat Trump. But What About Those Who Live Paycheck to Paycheck?, 2020
Donald Trump claimed the stock market’s meteoric rise was proof his economic policies were a success. Enter the coronavirus. You hooked your re-election to the market, Mr. President. You thought the American people would give you credit. “But a virus, unlike a Republican member of Congress, cannot be bullied. It doesn’t care about the president’s poll numbers.” Now what are you going to do?
There were several challenges our country faced. The pandemic, supply chain problems, immigration reform, domestic terrorism, climate change, and income inequality had become stressors on our society's stability. Homelessness was at an all-time high. The poor and middle-class struggled to feed their families and pay their bills. And the wealthy and large corporations were not paying their fair share of taxes.
A Self-Described Billionaire President Didn't Pay His Fair Share. This Is Why We Have Economic Inequality. (2020-10-15) by Jeff GatesChamomile Tea Party
Sadly, our president was one of those people. For years, Trump has tried to conceal his tax returns. But a New York Times investigation revealed that during his first year as president, he paid only $750 in taxes. And he paid no taxes in ten of the last fifteen years.
The only Americans best served by a bull market are those who can afford to buy stocks outright or through their job retirement plans. Yes, the market had been good to stockholders. But what about most Americans who couldn't afford to invest—those living paycheck to paycheck?
A report by the conservative think tank the Manhattan Institute stated, “In 1985, the typical male worker could cover a family of four’s major expenditures (housing, health care, transportation, education) on 30 weeks of salary. By 2018, it took 53 weeks. Which is a problem, there being only 52 weeks in a year.” Families can no longer afford the basic necessities on a year’s pay. On Monday, March 9, the markets continued to plunge, and the president blamed it on the drop in oil prices. He said the coronavirus was “fake news.”
I Can't Breathe (2020-03-24) by Jeff GatesChamomile Tea Party
President Trump began daily COVID press briefings in March 2020. On April 26, The Washington Post reported he spoke 60% of the time during these events.
During a five-week analysis of his comments by The New York Times, most of them were self-congratulatory, based on exaggerations and falsehoods.
I Can't Breathe (2020-03-24) by Jeff GatesChamomile Tea Party
The Post reported that “two hours [were] spent on attacks, 45 minutes praising himself and his administration, but just 4½ minutes expressed condolences for coronavirus victims.”
Trump began referring to COVID-19 as the “Chinese virus,” the “Wuhan virus,” and the “Kung flu.” He was either oblivious to the racist nature of his remarks and ignorant of their repercussions on Asian-Americans and Asians, or he simply didn’t care.
The President usurped the science and medical experts, casting doubt on their expertise and downplaying the pandemic’s severity. As we now know from his interviews with Bob Woodward for his book Fear, he knew COVID was deadly during this time, much worse than the flu, but he downplayed it “because [he didn’t] want to create a panic.”
I Get Anxious When I Need Groceries (2020-04-05) by Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)Chamomile Tea Party
Badz Czujny (Be Vigilant)Chamomile Tea Party
Source Poster
Badz Czujny (Be Vigilant), Artist Unknown, Date Unknown
We Can See Your Lips Moving, Donald. And It's Just Killing Us. (2020-04-17) by Jeff GatesChamomile Tea Party
Like a ventriloquist, Donald Trump often showed how adept he was at throwing his voice. He’d often interject qualifiers like “many people are saying...” when he wanted to state his opinion without taking any responsibility for it.
He would often preempt experts, no matter how inaccurate his statements were.
For over 30 years, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, had been the expert on how diseases spread. He rarely agreed with Trump’s “facts” or approach. Yet he knew he walked a tenuous line when he spoke to the public about the pandemic. Both saw this situation from two different perspectives. Trump saw it in economic, political, and personal terms, while Fauci viewed it as a public health issue. So, while the President was calling for a quick reopening of businesses, Dr. Fauci had to find ways to offer realistic and safe assessments, often countering Trump’s pronouncements.
Prepare for the Worst Until This Circus Is Canceled (2020-04-27) by Jeff GatesChamomile Tea Party
Not only did Trump politicize the pandemic, he often suggested dangerous medications as treatments and cures, like hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malaria drug. He even suggested the use of ultraviolet light and the ingestion of disinfectant. After backlash from his remarks, he claimed he was being sarcastic. But many Americans believed him.
Viral Advertising: Parfum de Pandémique (2020-04-10) by Jeff GatesChamomile Tea Party
Manna From Heaven (2020-07-20) by Jeff GatesChamomile Tea Party
Abandoning Americans Is Trump's Re-Election Strategy (2020-08-04) by Jeff GatesChamomile Tea Party
Abandoning Americans Is Trump's Re-Election Strategy, 2020
Republicans have tried to repeal or whittle away the Affordable Care Act over 70 times since its 2010 passage. Yet, they presented no serious alternatives. I documented these actions in three posters from 2013 to 2015.
President Trump promised his 2017 American Health Care Act (AHCA) would give Americans better care at a lower cost. But it gave the rich a $600 billion tax cut. The rich got their tax cut, but Trump never put forward his health care plan.
Three years later, he said he would sign a complete healthcare plan within two weeks. That never happened. Almost 3 in 10 lost their health insurance from employee-sponsored programs during the pandemic. And half of those remained without insurance because of its high cost. During his presidency, Trump never presented a program to provide low-cost health insurance.
The State of the Union: We're On Our Own (2020-08-14) by Jeff GatesChamomile Tea Party
The State of the Union: We’re On Our Own, 2020
Instead of focusing on health care, the President and the GOP pivoted to saving the economy. Trump said Americans should not “let the cure be worse than the problem.” Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick suggested that “senior citizens [should be] ‘willing to take a chance on our survival’ to help return to normal daily life.” In August 2020, Axios’ Jonathan Swan implored the President to understand, “A thousand people are dying a day!” Trump’s response: “It is what it is.”
What Was Trump Doing While Americans Were Dying?
From the very beginning, Donald Trump tried to minimize the pandemic. He was more concerned with how it would affect his re-election than the rising death toll. So, what was he doing while Americans were getting sick and dying? The following five posters document some of his activities.
What Was Trump Doing While 82,986 People Were Dying? (2020-09-10) by Jeff GatesChamomile Tea Party
What Was Trump Doing While 190,714 Americans Were Dying? (2020-09-10) by Jeff GatesChamomile Tea Party
What Was Trump Doing While 201,129 Americans Were Dying? (2020-09-23) by Jeff GatesChamomile Tea Party
What Was Trump Doing While all 209,603 Americans Were Dying? (2020-10-05) by Jeff GatesChamomile Tea Party
What Was Trump Doing While 250,000 Americans Were Dying? (2020-11-16) by Jeff GatesChamomile Tea Party
Let Trump Try It First (2020-09-12) by Jeff GatesChamomile Tea Party
Let Trump Try It First, 2020
The Trump Administration's "Operation Warp Speed" was a partnership between the federal government and the private sector to hasten the development and rollout of vaccines. It could have been a powerful tool if Trump had not undermined Americans' faith in them. The President hoped a rollout would occur before the election, giving him a significant boost in the polls. Yet, he often meddled in the process.
He tried to stop the FDA from issuing evaluation guidelines that would have prevented their introduction before the election. (The FDA released their recommendations anyway.) He called drug company CEOs, pressuring them to release their vaccines before the election instead of letting science take its natural and careful course. As a result, many distrusted the vaccines’ rapid development. And many refused to get them. This reticence continued into 2021 and jeopardized the goal of reaching the 70% immunization rate required for herd immunity.
Let Us Now Prey To Make America Great Again (2020-05-19) by Jeff GatesChamomile Tea Party
Donald Trump Declares Himself "The Law and Order President"
On May 25, 2020, George Floyd, an African American, was murdered by police officer Derek Chauvin. After video surfaced of Floyd's murder, protests broke out worldwide. Protests were mostly peaceful. But violence did sporadically break out. President Trump decided to take action.
Law & Order? We're Not Holding Our Breath. (2020-06-11) by Jeff GatesChamomile Tea Party
Law and Order? We’re Not Holding Our Breath., 2020
When Donald Trump declared himself "the law and order president” in his Rose Garden remarks on June 1, 2020, many wondered whose law and order he was talking about. Was it Trump’s military stifling of peaceful dissent or law and order African Americans and other people of color demanded of the police? As long as Donald Trump was president, there would be little change. It would take a different type of leadership for systemic changes to take hold in our country. And it would take the conviction of Dereck Chauvin by a jury of his peers for the murder of George Floyd to begin that process.
The Ringmaster Thinks the Bible Will Save Him in November (2020-06-16) by Jeff GatesChamomile Tea Party
The Ringmaster Thinks the Bible Will Save Him in November 2020
After declaring himself, the “Law and Order President,” Trump told every governor and mayor to deploy the National Guard to “dominate the streets.” If they didn’t, he threatened to “deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them.” To emphasize Trump’s power, Attorney General William Barr ordered law enforcement to clear a path for the President between the White House and St. John’s Episcopal Church, a block away. U.S. Park police and other federal agents used tear gas and stinger grenades against the peaceful crowd. Trump silently stood in front of the church holding a Bible.
This act seemed to have no rhyme or reason except to mollify the President's evangelical base. Legislators, religious leaders, constitutional watch groups, and journalists criticized Trump and Barr for these actions as an affront to the First Amendment's guarantee of freedom of assembly. Rather than project strength and compassion, Donald Trump's actions reinforced his failed attempts to intelligently and empathetically deal with race relations in America.
In April 2021, a jury convicted Chauvin of killing Floyd. But that was only a beginning. Two weeks after the verdict, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham stated there was no systemic racism in this country. Political change is glacially slow. Until there is change, none of us should hold our breath.
As a reaction to the turmoil instigated by the murder of George Floyd, there was a renewed call to take down monuments to the Confederacy around the country. Donald Trump disagreed.
But University of Richmond Professor Julian Hayter made an important point.
If Trump Were a Statue (2020-06-30) by Jeff GatesChamomile Tea Party
Perhaps there are more statues we must remove.
If Trump Were a Statue (2020-06-30) by Jeff GatesChamomile Tea Party
The Lead-Up to the 2020 Election
The United States isn't a direct democracy. When we vote for president, we're really voting for electors to the Electoral College who represent each state's vote. While our votes remain our only input, America has a long history of limiting voting rights.
At the birth of our country, only white male property owners could vote. In 1870, the 15th Amendment gave Black men that right. But it wasn't until 1920 that women could vote. Yet voter suppression still remains a problem today.
Prepare for the Worst: Demand Your Right to Vote By Mail (2020-06-19) by Jeff GatesChamomile Tea Party
Before the 2020 presidential election, Donald Trump and the GOP tried to limit mail-in voting, thinking it would benefit Democrats. However, previous studies concluded that this method neither favors Republicans nor Democrats.
After the election, with traditional red states, Arizona and Georgia going blue, efforts to suppress the vote intensified. As of April 2021, 47 states have introduced over 300 bills that would make it more difficult to vote.
Today, many states make voting as easy as possible. Seventeen states and the District of Columbia have automatic registration. Thirty-eight states and DC have early voting. However, intimidation, disinformation, purging of registered voters, voter ID laws, limited early voting, and elimination of voting rights of convicted felons continue to suppress the vote in other parts of the country. More often than not, these are along racial lines.
The More Desperate He Gets, the More Dangerous He Becomes (2020-07-18) by Jeff GatesChamomile Tea Party
The More Desperate He Gets, the More Dangerous He Becomes, 2020
It’s July 2020. CNN’s Michael D’Antonio stated, “President Donald Trump now seems wounded and desperate—and this makes him dangerous.” He goes on to say, “Now wounded, Trump is resorting to a political terror campaign, spreading blatant lies about foreign-based election fraud and a ‘RIGGED 2020 ELECTION.’ Trump’s false claims, which CNN and others have repeatedly debunked, destroy public trust in the foundation of our democracy and set the stage for a potentially dangerous crisis if voters end up questioning the results on Election Day.”
The State of the Democratic Primary (2020-03-01) by Jeff GatesChamomile Tea Party
The State of the Democratic Primary, 2020
As Trump pondered his future, the Democrats focused on who their presidential candidate would be. Primaries have always been turbulent: a free-for-all mix of ideologies and potential fixes to what ails us with unsubstantiated claims on how we will afford them. The Democrat debates reflected this. Each candidate fought for airtime, and moderators lost control. If candidates answered their questions, they immediately veered to other talking points they wanted to make. Or they interrupted when they felt unfairly accused. The debates lost any semblance of order and clarity in the midst of this cacophony.
You Don’t Belong in the Picture, Mitch, 2020
The day Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died in February 2016, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell stated, “The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president.” The next presidential election was nine months away. And he refused to allow the Senate to vote on President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland.
Four years later, just hours after Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death on September 18, 2020, McConnell wasted no time affirming his hypocrisy. He stated, “Americans re-elected our majority in 2016 and expanded it in 2018 because we pledged to work with President Trump and support his agenda.... President Trump’s nominee will receive a vote on the floor of the United States Senate.” There were less than 50 days left before the 2020 presidential election.
You Don't Belong in the Picture, Mitch (2020-09-21) by Jeff GatesChamomile Tea Party
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg's death six weeks before the presidential election led to a conservative majority on the country's highest court.
From a conservative point of view, one of President Trump's accomplishments was the number of judges he installed in the federal judiciary. The President appointed over 400 judges. Most importantly, he appointed three Supreme Court Justices, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett (one week before the 2020 presidential election). For the first time in decades, the balance of the Supreme Court shifted to a strongly conservative mindset.
Democracy is messy. Partisan politics are brutal and have cost this country's citizens their lives, livelihoods, and well-being. McConnell's hypocrisy is about power and control. Never mind what 62% of Americans think.
Trump's Final Act of Defiance (2020-10-09) by Jeff GatesChamomile Tea Party
Trump’s Final Act of Defiance, 2020
One might have thought after contracting COVID, Donald Trump would change his behavior and his message: Americans should take the coronavirus seriously, and prevention should be a top priority. But that didn’t happen. During his three-day stay at Walter Reed Medical Center, his primary concern was that he looked weak. With the looming election, this became a liability he had to bury. He forced his doctors to sign nondisclosure agreements about his actual condition to control the narrative. The White House released staged photos showing him in the hospital’s presidential suite at work. And he took an ill-advised limousine ride to well-wishers across the street from the hospital, endangering Secret Service agents who rode with him.
On Monday, October 5, 2020, Trump returned to the White House. After his helicopter landed on the South Lawn, the President jaunted up the stairs to the balcony. Out of breath, he turned to the cameras and defiantly tore off his mask. Nine months into Donald Trump's presidency, he had defended white supremacists in Charlottesville. Four years later, Trump downplayed the pandemic for personal gain. Would this be his final act of defiance? Not yet.
Choose One (2020-09-30) by Jeff GatesChamomile Tea Party
The American people had a clear choice for president. Should Joe Biden win, would this end the era of MAGA? Biden vowed to work with Republicans to refocus our attention from extreme partisanship to one of cooperation for the better good. Would the GOP take him up on his offer?
Wear a Mask! (2020-10-26) by Jeff GatesChamomile Tea Party
In These Uncertain Times, I Am Certain (2020-05-06) by Jeff GatesChamomile Tea Party
Next: The Chronicles of American Politics, Part 9: The Big Lie delves into the 2020 election and its aftermath through the posters of the Chamomile Tea Party. (Coming soon.)
Chronicles of American Politics: The Posters of the Chamomile Tea Party
Table of Contents
Part 1: Partisanship on Overdrive
Part 2: The Electorate
Part 3: Politicians and Our Political Process
Part 4: The Issues
Part 5: Post-Truth, The Contentious Election
Part 6: Post Election: Post-Truth Reaches New Heights
Part 7: Immigration, Obstruction, Redaction, Oh My!
Part 8: The Pandemic and the Lead-Up to the 2020 Presidential Election
Part 9: The Big Lie (Coming Soon)
Download a brief bibliography of topics covered in this exhibit.
Jeff Gates is an artist and writer. He formed the Chamomile Tea Party in 2010 to comment on the sad state of American political dialogue. Compromise, which, at the time, seemed merely difficult to obtain, now seems impossible. These posters reflect our political conflicts during this turbulent period and are meant to encourage exploration of our society’s cultural minefield.
Gates has a BA in political science from Michigan State and an MFA in graphic design and photography from UCLA. He’s the recipient of two Photography Fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts. His work is in museum collections, including the Smithsonian American Art Museum, the Victoria & Albert Museum, and the International Center for Photography. He has written for publications such as The Washington Post, The Atlantic, and National Public Radio.
These posters are free to download and distribute with attribution, providing they are unaltered and for non-commercial purposes only.
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