Discover Vietnam’s 54+ Ethnicities - NORTHERN VIETNAM Part IV

PART 4 of our 4-part series

The Kho Mu by RéhahnPrecious Heritage Art Gallery Museum

Over the course of nearly a decade, the French photographer Réhahn researched and photo-documented all 54 official ethnic groups in Vietnam,  with the hope of increasing the public’s understanding of tribal culture in the country.

The Dao by RéhahnPrecious Heritage Art Gallery Museum

The Precious Heritage Project

The final collection is on display in the Precious Heritage Museum in Hoi An, Vietnam. 

Virtual Exhibit

In this virtual exhibit, you’ll have the opportunity to discover the Muong, Tay, Kho Mu, La Chi, & Cao Lan ethnic groups.

The Muong by RéhahnPrecious Heritage Art Gallery Museum

The Muong

The Muong are the 3rd largest cultural group in Vietnam with around 1.3 million members. 

The Muong by RéhahnPrecious Heritage Art Gallery Museum

They are close to the Kinh (Vietnam's largest ethnicity) with more than 75% of their vocabulary mirroring Vietnamese. They are considered to be the only true descendants of the first Viets.

The Tay by RéhahnPrecious Heritage Art Gallery Museum

The Tay

The Tay are Vietnam's largest ethnic group after the Kinh. They reside in the Northern provinces in the fertile valleys at the foot of the mountains.

The Tay by RéhahnPrecious Heritage Art Gallery Museum

Their traditional dress—made up of a long tunic and pants or a skirt—is subdued in color, brightened only with a silk belt.

The Kho Mu by RéhahnPrecious Heritage Art Gallery Museum

The Kho Mu

The Kho Mu are strongly influenced by the Thai ethnic group. Women in the village often smoke small wooden pipes.

The Kho Mu by RéhahnPrecious Heritage Art Gallery Museum

Their traditional dress includes a unique jacket decorated with silver coins, which protect the wearer and bring good luck.

The La Chi by RéhahnPrecious Heritage Art Gallery Museum

The La Chi

The La Chi are skilled and resourceful people with the women being excellent textile workers and the men strong builders.

The La Chi by RéhahnPrecious Heritage Art Gallery Museum

La Chi Song

La Chi homes are usually built on stilts and surrounded by clay walls.  Their traditional indigo-dyed garments are simple but elegant.

The Cao Lan by RéhahnPrecious Heritage Art Gallery Museum

The Cao Lan

The Cao Lan are known for being skilled poets and singers.

The Cao Lan by RéhahnPrecious Heritage Art Gallery Museum

Their poems and songs are often chanted during sinh ca competitions and are recognized as part of Vietnam's intangible cultural heritage.

The Mnong by RéhahnPrecious Heritage Art Gallery Museum

Learn More

Read more about The Precious Heritage Project and Vietnam's ethnic groups in the series "Discover Vietnam's 54+ Ethnicities - South and Central Vietnam"

Credits: Story

Text by Réhahn with Molly Headley 

Credits: All media
The story featured may in some cases have been created by an independent third party and may not always represent the views of the institutions, listed below, who have supplied the content.