Exhibition Period May 26, 2015 (Tue)-Aug 30, 2015 (Sun). Venue : Permanent Exhibition Galleries 1-5 in the New Wing of Tokyo Fuji Art Museum. The primary presentations at the Permanent Galleries of the TFAM New Wing are Western paintings from the TFAM collection.
Permanent Exhibition Galleries 1
Dawn of a New Age: From the Renaissance to Baroque
Portrait of a Procurator (1507) by BELLINI, GiovanniTokyo Fuji Art Museum
A Boy and a Page (1570/1579) by Paolo VERONESE and his workshopTokyo Fuji Art Museum
Portrait of John Frederic the Magnanimous, Elector and Duke of Saxony by Lucas CRANACH the ElderTokyo Fuji Art Museum
Portrait of Collector (1560/1565) by Jacopo ROBUSTI, called TINTORETTOTokyo Fuji Art Museum
Wooded Landscape with a Brook (1630) by Claude GELLÉE, called Claude LORRAINTokyo Fuji Art Museum
Permanent Exhibition Galleries 2
Golden Era of Western Paintings: From Baroque and Rococo to Neo-Classical
Peasant Wedding Feast by Pieter BRUEGHEL the YoungerTokyo Fuji Art Museum
Portrait of Anne Carr, Countess of Bedford (1639) by DYCK, Anthony vanTokyo Fuji Art Museum
A Little Girl with a Puppy in Her Arms (1635/1639) by FLINCK, GovaertTokyo Fuji Art Museum
Nathan Admonishes King David (1683) by GELDER, Aert deTokyo Fuji Art Museum
Piazza San Marco, Venice (1732/1733) by Giovanni Antonio CANAL, called CANALETTOTokyo Fuji Art Museum
Portrait of Antoine de la Roque (1718) by WATTEAU, Jean-AntoineTokyo Fuji Art Museum
Happy Fecundity (1773/1776) by FRAGONARD, Jean-HonoréTokyo Fuji Art Museum
The Triumph of Venus (1745) by BOUCHER, FrançoisTokyo Fuji Art Museum
Princess Youssoupoff (1797) by VIGÉE-LE BRUN, Elisabeth-LouiseTokyo Fuji Art Museum
Permanent Exhibition Galleries 3
Tradition and Ceremony: Academism Painters
Circassian Holding a Horse by Its Bridle (1858) by DELACROIX, EugèneTokyo Fuji Art Museum
Toilette (1877) by ROUGERON, Jules JamesTokyo Fuji Art Museum
Permanent Exhibition Galleries 4
Portal to Modern Sculpture: Rise of Realism
The Age of Bronze by RODIN, AugusteTokyo Fuji Art Museum
Permanent Exhibition Galleries 5
Barbizon School / Orchestration of Light and Color: Impressionism and Post-Impressionism
A Pensive Girl (1865/1870) by COROT, Jean-Baptiste CamilleTokyo Fuji Art Museum
Water Lilies (1908) by MONET, ClaudeTokyo Fuji Art Museum
Spring, Morning, Cloudy, Eragny (1900) by PISSARRO, CamilleTokyo Fuji Art Museum
Promenade (1880) by MANET, EdouardTokyo Fuji Art Museum
Woman After Bath by RENOIR, Pierre-AugusteTokyo Fuji Art Museum