The Visionary Work of Max Berg

The brave project of Max Berg to build the Centennial Hall

Plan of Stare Szczytniki (1882)Centennial Hall

At the beginning of the 19th century, by 1913, citizens of Breslau decided to celebrate the 100th jubilee of Frederick William III’s appeal and triumph at Leipzig and showing the whole world the history and economic strength of the Silesia.

model of the Exhibition Grounds (1913)Centennial Hall

It was necessary to design a new space, successfully combining trade fair, exhibition and recreational functions, which would serve as an arena for further industrial, cultural and sports events.

sketch of the Terrace Restaurant (1913) by Max BergCentennial Hall

plan of the Exhibition Grounds (1913)Centennial Hall

 In the vicinity of one of the older zoological gardens in the world (Zoo Wrocław was established in 1865), a large plot of land was staked out and a call for tenders was launched. 

front elevation (1911) by Max BergCentennial Hall

The concept of the urban architect, Max Berg, was selected from among 43 submitted projects. Visionary. Innovative. Pioneering. But expensive – 1.9 million of the Deutsche Marks.

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