Palm, symbol of pain and great destruction...

A series of works that abtracted the palm by Iraqi artist Talib Mekki.

Ziggurat (2009) by Talib MEKKIIbrahimi Collection

Talib Mekki embodied the palm trunks with parallel and vertical geometric shapes that point upwards in consistent expressive colors. 

Palm 5 (2010) by Talib MEKKIIbrahimi Collection

As if he wanted to draw and engineer a new life where he expresses the tragedy of the Iraqis that continued since the eighties when the curse of military wars, burning, and destruction began. 

Palm 2 (2011) by Talib MEKKIIbrahimi Collection

15 million Iraqi date palms were completely gone as they were cut down and the suffering is still going on. The artist employed the palm symbol to express the deep pain and great destruction inflicted on the civilizational heritage, the environment, agriculture and man.

Cuneiform Wonder (2015) by Talib MEKKIIbrahimi Collection

Despite the agony and war, Talib Mekki was able to translate these tragic meanings into colors of joy and pleasure creating optimism with a new ray of hope. 

Palm 7 (2010) by Talib MEKKIIbrahimi Collection

Talib Mekki is an Iraqi painter born in 1936. He suffered from diphtheria in his childhood, which led to his loss of hearing and severe difficulty in speaking. 

In 1957, he obtained a diploma in sculpture from the Institute of Fine Arts in Baghdad by a special decree from the royal courts, in response to Jewad Selim’s recommendation.

Palm 3 (2011) by Talib MEKKIIbrahimi Collection

After his graduation, he held a position as an Illustrator at "AlAmeloun Fi Alnafit" magazine.  From the 1960s until now, he held many solo exhibitions as well as participated in many exhibitions in Iraq and abroad.     

He was one of the co-founders of the Innovators Group in Iraq.

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