Saint John of the Cross poetry and music of the soul

Saint John of the Cross, Carmelite poet and mystic of the 16th century. His poetry was the expression of his mystical experiences. His words, his rhythm are mystical music's soul

San Juan de la Cruz (1700/1799) by AnónimoSantuario Museo San Pedro Claver

Poetry and music

Poetry and music are expressions of the human being that complement each other. One from the word, the other from sound and silence.

Saint John of the Cross and his work

The mystique in the work of Saint John of the Cross evokes the music of the spirit, in its rhythm and ethereal atmosphere.
"Looking for my loves
I will go through those mountains and riverbanks;
I won't even pick the flowers
nor will I fear the wild beasts;
and I will pass the forts and borders"

Fragment, poem Spiritual Canticle

Sing of the soul that rejoices in knowing God by faith

"How well I know the fountain that flows and flows, although it is night. That Eternal fountain is hidden, that I well know where it has its source, although it is night. I don't know its origin because it doesn't have it, but I know that every origin comes from it, even though it is at night"

San Juan de la Cruz (1700/1799) by AnónimoSantuario Museo San Pedro Claver

Dark Night, fragment

Oh night you guided!
Oh night, more lovely than the dawn!
Oh night you put together
Loved with beloved,
beloved in the Beloved transformed!

Saint John of the Cross

San Juan de la Cruz (1700/1799) by AnónimoSantuario Museo San Pedro Claver

Living flame of love, fragment

How gentle and loving
you remember in my bosom,
where secretly you only dwell,
and in your tasty aspiration,
full of good and glory,
how delicately you make me fall in love!

Saint John of the Cross

The rhythm of the rhyme

Reading Saint John of the Cross and the rhythm of his rhymes evoke a soft melody, which together are a song that invites us to an inner journey, where we get to know closely the deep sensitivity of Saint John of the Cross.

His influences

In San Juan de la Cruz we see a strong influence of Garcilazo. In his vocabulary and the rhyme of it.

All of his poetry

The poems of San Juan de la Cruz are the right union of allegories, rhythm, lexicon and atmosphere. It allows the reader to fall into the author's own mysticism and his inner world.

Romances about the gospel

"In the beginning dwelt
the Word, and lived in God,
in whom your happiness
infinite possessed.
The same Word God was,  
that the beginning was said.
He dwelt in the beginning
and I didn't have a beginning."

Saint John of the Cross

Others to the divine of Christ and his soul, fragment

And the shepherd boy says: «Oh, unfortunate
of the one who has been absent from my love
and he doesn't want to enjoy my presence,
the chest for the love of him very hurt of him!

Saint John of the Cross

Saint John of the Cross and today's music

One might think that the work of a 16th century religious would be limited to classrooms. However, his lyrics are still relevant in today's music, thanks to Rosalía whose single "Although it is at night" is one of the saint's poems. Through music her poetry de ella lives.

Credits: Story

Photographic archive: Sanctuary of San Pedro Claver
Texts: Linda Zurek | San Pedro Claver Sanctuary

Älvarez Martín Marina (July 4, 2019)The poem of Saint John of the Cross that Rosalía has turned into a song / recovered

Credits: All media
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