A present past

Pedro Claver, a man from the past who speaks to us in the present.

Ruptura (2016) by Rafael Dussan MejíaSantuario Museo San Pedro Claver

breaking the paradigm

The work of Colombian artist Rafael Dussan raises the term rupture to represent a reality from the colonial past, that impacts the present and motivates new future conversations.

Breakup, 2016

Rafael Dussan Mejía
Mixed media on canvas

The people and Pedro Claver

This diptych by the artist shows us in the first frame a group of people surrounding Pedro Claver. This has an important symbolism about the call that this character felt to accompany the most vulnerable communities.

Ruptura (2016) by Rafael Dussan MejíaSantuario Museo San Pedro Claver

A breakup that seeks to connect

The use of the diptych format proposed by the artist is not a merely aesthetic element, the artist creates two scenarios, one with the power of the people and the other with the power of the establishment.

Ruptura (2016) by Rafael Dussan MejíaSantuario Museo San Pedro Claver

A breakup that seeks to connect

However, the character that extends between the two scenarios is the invitation to break the paradigm of the Rupture, with the intention of freeing the characters of the opposite scene.

Ruptura (2016) by Rafael Dussan MejíaSantuario Museo San Pedro Claver

The power that enslaves

The other frame contains the opposite scene, a seated man showing commanding gestures, accompanied by another man who has another person tied by the neck.

Two opposing scenarios

A scene from the past full of present

Over the years this reality of human trafficking has had a variety of filters and interpretations. However, this proposal inspired by the past continues to challenge us about the new powers with their slavery and the new leaderships that break paradigms.


Act, recognizing from listening, observation and touch a form of work that Pedro Claver was able to do despite his own reality in a complex context such as colonial Cartagena. His example invites us to recognize the reality of this territory Final Report Truth Commission


Another lesson from the past is the resistance of people who are historical victims of a supremacist vision of a few. That in various ways they have managed to raise their voices and contribute to the recognition and vindication of their communities Law 70 of 1993


Reconciliation is the necessary step for Justice and Peace for the people. The legacy of Pedro Claver continues in force and is redefined in the different actions of the Society of Jesus Explore here how we do it

Credits: Story

File: Society of Jesus | Sanctuary of San Pedro Claver | Truth Commission
Curator: Linda Zurek | Coord. Museology

Credits: All media
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