From the Garden to the Table: the Boom in Family-run, Organic, and Agroecological Agriculture

Ventures based around healthy, natural food

Horticultura orgánica (2021-01-21/2021-01-24) by Leo LibermanGustar

Argentina, the promised land

Its extensive territory enabled the country to enter the rankings of nations with the greatest area of arable land. Its produce is fresh, delicious, and very varied.

Horticultura orgánica (2021-01-21/2021-01-24) by Pablo ValdaGustar

In search of the natural

In recent years, Argentina has developed a strong industry in organic or agroecological fruit and vegetable production, meaning they are free from chemical fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides.

Un colibrí en la chacra en Paraje Nueva Argentina. (2020-12-26/2020-12-28) by Fotógrafo 1: Julio Noguera.Gustar

Horticultura orgánica (2021-01-21/2021-01-24) by Pablo ValdaGustar

A world leader

According to data from the National Institute of Industrial Technology (INTI), Argentina already has more than 3.2 million hectares certified for organic production, representing the second largest area in the world.

Horticultura orgánica (2021-01-21/2021-01-24) by Pablo ValdaGustar

Horticultura orgánica (2021-01-21/2021-01-24) by Leo LibermanGustar

The small producers

Family-run farming is the great protagonist of the growing interest in health-focused agriculture. This type of production represents 66% of families living in the countryside.

Horticultura orgánica (2021-01-21/2021-01-24) by Leo LibermanGustar

Strength in unity

There are several groups uniting the country’s small producers. One of the most popular is the Union of Land Workers (Unión de Trabajadores de la Tierra or UTT), a national organization of small, family-run producers and farmers with a strong focus on agroecological production.

Mercado (2021-01-11/2021-01-13) by Ivan SlodkyGustar

Bountiful variety

The diversity of Argentina’s climate allows for different types of production. That is why the fruit and vegetables that can be grown vary greatly depending on the region of the country. Potatoes, for example, are a typical product from the provinces of Buenos Aires, Córdoba, and Tucumán.

Samuel Doichele en la chacra en Paraje Nueva Argentina. (2020-12-26/2020-12-28) by Fotógrafo 2: Gonzalo Guendler.Gustar

Tropical flavor

Tropical fruit crops, such as pineapple, papaya, and many others, are typical across northern Argentina, where high-quality products are grown.

Horticultura orgánica (2021-01-21/2021-01-24) by Leo LibermanGustar

Following the seasons of the year

Although vegetables such as eggplant can be eaten all year round, it is a product typical of summertime. Argentinian consumers increasingly choose to select their fruit and vegetables according to the season, when they are at their most delicious, and can be acquired at the most reasonable price.

Horticultura orgánica (2021-01-21/2021-01-24) by Pablo ValdaGustar

Produce shops, fairs, and markets

Every area of every Argentinian city has at least one produce market (or sometimes several), where consumers can select their own fruit and vegetables. Fairs and markets, which are becoming more widespread, are also the perfect place to find fresh, high-quality produce.

Horticultura orgánica (2021-01-21/2021-01-24) by Pablo ValdaGustar

El boom de los "bolsones"

In recent years, there has been a growing trend for buying organic or agroecological produce boxes. These are select boxes of fruit and vegetables that can be ordered online and then delivered on a weekly basis to consumers’ houses.

Hierbas y Cherrys, Colonia Suiza, San Carlos de Bariloche (2021-02-08/2021-02-11) by Diego TorchiaGustar

From the garden to the table

The advantage of these boxes is that they offer healthy, tasty products, and they are delivered direct to people’s homes They also help to foster a better relationship between consumers and the small producers in different areas of the country.

Credits: Story

Editing: Diego Marinelli/Text: Ayelén Iñigo 

Credits: All media
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