Primer camino de fierro en la República Mexicana by AnonymousArchivo General de la Nación - México

This poster titled "The first railroad in the Mexican Republic" announced the arrival of the first railroad to be built in the country, it would span 11 km and it was inaugurated in 1850. This new road would connect the port of Veracruz with the Molino and the surrounding localities of the San Juan river.

It was decreed by Antonio López de Santa Anna on May 31, 1842 and the creditors of the construction of the road from Perote to Veracruz were obliged to build the railroad that would go from the city of Veracruz to the San Juan river. The progress was slow and only 7 km were built in the span of six years.

At the top of the lithograph there is a moving train with five passenger cars and the front where the steam engine is located shows three people controlling it.

El camino por el que pasa se ubica cerca de la costa y de
tras muestra un paisaje donde se divisa otro ferrocarril.

The prices the construction company arranged would depend on the distance traveled.

On the left side, the prices for cargo transportation are listed, which ranged from half a real to two reals.

Prices per passenger ranged from half to three reals, plus one real for each bag of luggage.

This project would later be retaken for the Mexican Railroad and it was finally finished and inaugurated in early 1873, after the navigating the internal wars and the French Intervention.

Credits: Story


AGN, Mapas, Planos e Ilustraciones, N°3730.
Procede de: Ferrocarriles vol. 2, exp. 1.

Credits: All media
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