By African Leadership Academy
Curated by Towela "Kams" Tembo
Daniella's paintings not only pay homage to the beauty of African features but they act as reminders to her younger self who struggled with body image issues while acting as a source of empowerment for young women of the same age today.
Weaved in Gold (2021) by Daniella Ddamba NanziriAfrican Leadership Academy
Weaved in Gold
This painting acts as a letter to the artist's younger self by acknowledging a journey to self-love while affirming the beauty in features previously loathed.
Afrobeut (2021) by Daniella Ddamba NanziriAfrican Leadership Academy
From their gravity-defying nature to the way they take up space in any room they are found in, Daniella's Afrobeut painting is an ode to afros.
Galaxia (2021) by Daniella Ddamba NanziriAfrican Leadership Academy
Stepping out of her usual visual style, Daniella makes use of negative space and 'space' itself through a the presentation of a portrait in a galaxy.
Through her photography, Teshi bonds with her friends and allows herself to immerse into their journeys to self-acceptance while slowly carving out her own.
Art by Daniella Nanziri and Teshi Wambui Muraguri
Curated by Towela "Kams" Tembo