Yoyogi-Hachiman Toilet

Toyo Ito

The Tokyo Toilet LogoShibuya City Tourism Association

Public toilets in Shibuya like you've never seen

Toilets are a symbol of Japan's world-renowned hospitality culture. Public toilets have been redesigned in 17 locations throughout Shibuya (Tokyo, Japan) with the help of 16 creators invited from around the world. 

Yoyogi-Hachiman Toilet (2021-07-16) by Toyo ItoShibuya City Tourism Association

Yoyogi-Hachiman Toilet by Toyo Ito

Three Mushrooms
The toilets resemble three mushrooms that sprouted from the forest around Yoyogi-Hachiman shrine.

Yoyogi-Hachiman Toilet (2021-07-16) by Toyo ItoShibuya City Tourism Association

Despite being built along the main thoroughfare of Yamate-Dori, they sit at the footsteps that lead to the shrine.

Yoyogi-Hachiman Toilet (2021-07-16) by Toyo ItoShibuya City Tourism Association

The impression of mushrooms creates a sense of harmony with the forest in the background.

Yoyogi-Hachiman Toilet (2021-07-16) by Toyo ItoShibuya City Tourism Association

Having three separate toilets with circulation space in between makes it easy to navigate. 

Yoyogi-Hachiman Toilet (2021-07-16) by Toyo ItoShibuya City Tourism Association

Connecting paths with no dead-ends also allow good visual connection, creating a safe environment and preventing crime.

Yoyogi-Hachiman Toilet (2021-07-16) by Toyo ItoShibuya City Tourism Association

By securing ample space and by equipping elderly and parental functions that are usually only available in accessible toilets within each toilet ensure that the facility is truly public and accessible by everyone.

Yoyogi-Hachiman Toilet (2021-07-16) by Toyo ItoShibuya City Tourism Association

Yoyogi-Hachiman Toilet (2021-07-16) by Toyo ItoShibuya City Tourism Association

Yoyogi-Hachiman Toilet (2021-07-16) by Toyo ItoShibuya City Tourism Association

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