Urasando Toilet

Marc Newson

The Tokyo Toilet LogoShibuya City Tourism Association

Public toilets in Shibuya like you've never seen

Toilets are a symbol of Japan's world-renowned hospitality culture. Public toilets have been redesigned in 17 locations throughout Shibuya (Tokyo, Japan) with the help of 16 creators invited from around the world. 

Urasando Toilet (2023-01-20) by Marc NewsonShibuya City Tourism Association

Urasando Toilet by Marc Newson

Central to my design is the reference to vernacular Japanese architecture, including the copper Minoko roof.

Urasando Toilet (2023-01-20) by Marc NewsonShibuya City Tourism Association

Often found in shrines, temples and tearooms and in rural areas, I wanted the roof form to trigger a subconscious feeling of comfort and peacefulness amid its busy, hypermodern location.

Urasando Toilet (2023-01-20) by Marc NewsonShibuya City Tourism Association

The patina on the copper pyramidic roof will integrate the structure into the city over time, so it becomes part of the fabric of Tokyo.

Urasando Toilet (2023-01-20) by Marc NewsonShibuya City Tourism Association

It is important to me that the Toilet feels trustworthy and honest inside and out: the bright interior is seamlessly and hygienically finished in a monochromatic green, one of my favourite colours.

Urasando Toilet (2023-01-20) by Marc NewsonShibuya City Tourism Association

My design for the Toilet focusses on functionality, simplicity, and creating an inviting and enduring space.

Urasando Toilet (2023-01-20) by Marc NewsonShibuya City Tourism Association

I hope the Toilet will become something not only magical but incredibly useful to find in Shibuya, like the many hidden gems within the city.

Urasando Toilet (2023-01-20) by Marc NewsonShibuya City Tourism Association

Urasando Toilet (2023-01-20) by Marc NewsonShibuya City Tourism Association

Urasando Toilet (2023-01-20) by Marc NewsonShibuya City Tourism Association

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