Ebisu Station, West Exit Toilet

Kashiwa Sato

The Tokyo Toilet LogoShibuya City Tourism Association

Public toilets in Shibuya like you've never seen

Toilets are a symbol of Japan's world-renowned hospitality culture. Public toilets have been redesigned in 17 locations throughout Shibuya (Tokyo, Japan) with the help of 16 creators invited from around the world. 

Ebisu Station, West Exit Toilet (2021-07-15) by Kashiwa SatoShibuya City Tourism Association

Ebisu Station, West Exit Toilet by Kashiwa Sato

Clean and safe.

Ebisu Station, West Exit Toilet (2021-07-15) by Kashiwa SatoShibuya City Tourism Association

Since the toilet located beside the police box in front of the Ebisu station is a neighborhood symbol that people see every day, we thought it should not be too conspicuous.

Ebisu Station, West Exit Toilet (2021-07-15) by Kashiwa SatoShibuya City Tourism Association

The facility should be easy to enter, easy to use, and have a clean appearance that inspire the passersby to feel a little bit brighter and fresher. 

Ebisu Station, West Exit Toilet (2021-07-15) by Kashiwa SatoShibuya City Tourism Association

This pure white toilet was designed by addressing every point of consideration that are usually taken for granted in a restroom facility.

Ebisu Station, West Exit Toilet (2021-07-15) by Kashiwa SatoShibuya City Tourism Association

Ebisu Station, West Exit Toilet (2021-07-15) by Kashiwa SatoShibuya City Tourism Association

Ebisu Station, West Exit Toilet (2021-07-15) by Kashiwa SatoShibuya City Tourism Association

Ebisu Station, West Exit Toilet (2021-07-15) by Kashiwa SatoShibuya City Tourism Association

Ebisu Station, West Exit Toilet (2021-07-15) by Kashiwa SatoShibuya City Tourism Association

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