The Tokyo Toilet LogoShibuya City Tourism Association

Public toilets in Shibuya like you've never seen

Toilets are a symbol of Japan's world-renowned hospitality culture. Public toilets have been redesigned in 17 locations throughout Shibuya (Tokyo, Japan) with the help of 16 creators invited from around the world. 

Jingumae Toilet (2021-05-31) by NIGO®Shibuya City Tourism Association

Jingumae Toilet "THE HOUSE" by NIGO®

The concept of this design is about learning from the past. 

Jingumae Toilet (2021-05-31) by NIGO®Shibuya City Tourism Association

First and foremost, I thought about its accessibility and ease of use.

Jingumae Toilet (2021-05-31) by NIGO®Shibuya City Tourism Association

In contrast to the ever-changing city of Tokyo with its sky-high buildings, I envisioned a toilet that feels like a good old home that stands quietly on a corner of Harajuku.

Jingumae Toilet (2021-05-31) by NIGO®Shibuya City Tourism Association

The toilet may feel nostalgic to some and new to others, depending on their age and generation.

Jingumae Toilet (2021-05-31) by NIGO®Shibuya City Tourism Association

Jingumae Toilet (2021-05-31) by NIGO®Shibuya City Tourism Association

Jingumae Toilet (2021-05-31) by NIGO®Shibuya City Tourism Association

Jingumae Toilet (2021-05-31) by NIGO®Shibuya City Tourism Association

Jingumae Toilet (2021-05-31) by NIGO®Shibuya City Tourism Association

Jingumae Toilet (2021-05-31) by NIGO®Shibuya City Tourism Association

Credits: Story

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