Invisible Brasilias: 5th place in the Plano Piloto contest

Get to know the project of Milton Ghiraldini and Construtecnica S.A.

Model of the basic layout. Modified from Braga (2010), p. 52.Museu de Arte de Brasília - MAB

A regular city

Masterplan. Authors’ redesign.Museu de Arte de Brasília - MAB

Masterplan with location of residential, commercial and governmental sector. Authors’ redesign.Museu de Arte de Brasília - MAB

The main zones

would be divided into well-defined areas: long blocks of single-family houses would be arranged around a unique urban center, which houses commercial, cultural and governmental functions of the capital.

Masterplan of the commercial sector. Modified from Braga (2010), p. 57.Museu de Arte de Brasília - MAB

In the center

would be located the commercial center, the civic square, the cultural center, the embassies, the central market, the bus station and a small part of the city’s housing.

View of the commercial sector. Authors’ rendering.Museu de Arte de Brasília - MAB

Masterplan of the commercial sector with location of the courtyards. Modified from Braga (2010), p. 57.Museu de Arte de Brasília - MAB

Large courtyards

of free pedestrian circulation would be bordered by office buildings and hotels. Covered walkways would connect stores and restaurants to squares and internal gardens.

360° pinned map of the urban center. Modified from Braga (2010), p. 58.Museu de Arte de Brasília - MAB

Visit the commercial area

and get to know one of these large internal courtyards.

Tap to explore


You are in the commercial sector.

View from the government sector. Authors’ rendering.Museu de Arte de Brasília - MAB

Masterplan of the government sector. Modified from Braga (2010), p. 57.Museu de Arte de Brasília - MAB

The civic square

would be located to theeast of the urban center, near the ministerial buildings and embassies. It would contain the palaces of the executive, legislative and judicial powers.

360° pinned map of the urban center. Modified from Braga (2010), p. 58.Museu de Arte de Brasília - MAB

Enter the square

and get to know this great monumental space.

Tap to explore


You are in the commercial and civic sector.

View of the residential sector. Authors’ rendering.Museu de Arte de Brasília - MAB

Masterplan of the single-family housing region. Modified from Braga (2010), p. 61.Museu de Arte de Brasília - MAB

Houses, greenways and parks

The four large housing zones would be for single-family homes permeated by greeways and parks. Within the neighborhood unit, one would find daily services such as schools, pharmacies and local commerce.

Masterplan of the high-rise housing area. Modified from Braga (2010), p. 57.Museu de Arte de Brasília - MAB

Housing for singles

Curiously, a small housing area of high-rise buildings would also be proposed in the central part of the city, designed for singles.

360° pinned aerial view of high-rise housing sector. Authors’ rendering.Museu de Arte de Brasília - MAB

Meet the neighborhood unit

where high-rise buildings are located.

Tap to explore


You are in the residential sector.

To find out more about the contest, click here: Introduction
Get to know the other finalist projects:
 - Lucio Costa
 - Boruch Milman and team
3°/4° - Rino Levi and team
3°/4° - MM Roberto and team
 - Milton Ghiraldini and team
 - Henrique Mindlin and Giancarlo Palanti
 - Vilanova Artigas and team


Sponsorship:  Fundo de Apoio à Cultura  - FAC 
Realization:  Museu de Arte de Brasília - MAB   
Authorship and Idealization: Danilo Fleury and Maíra Guimarães 
Curatorship: Danilo Fleury, Maíra Guimarães and Rogério Carvalho 
Expography:  Coarquitetos , Danilo Fleury and Maíra Guimarães 
Production: Curatorship of Cultural Projects, Leonardo Gois 
Graphic Design: Coarquitetos, Danilo Fleury and Maíra Guimarães 
Collaborators: Giovana Martins, Marcela Budó, Marcos Paulo Cruz and Lucas Patriota

Credits: Story

Bibliographic references:

BRAGA, Milton. O concurso de Brasília: sete projetos para uma capital. Museu da Casa Brasileira, 2010.
FICHER, Sylvia; BATISTA, Geraldo Nogueira; LEITÃO, Francisco; FRANÇA, Dionísio Alves de. Brasília: uma história de planejamento In RODRÍGUEZ, Eduard, e FIGUEIRA, Cibele Vieira A (Brasilia 1956 - 2006, de la fundación de una ciudad capita l al ca pital de la ciudad) Lleida: Milenio, 2006. pp. 55-97.
GUIMARÃES, Maíra Oliveira. Uma capital para um lago, um palácio e um hotel. In: VI Encontro da Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Pós-graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo. 2020.
SILVA, Elcio Gomes da. Os palácios originais de Brasília Tese (Universidade de Brasília). Brasília, 2012.
TAVARES, Jeferson. Projetos para Brasília 1927-1957. IPHAN, 2014.

Credits: All media
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