
Marchen Quartett, a deck of fairy tale game cards with box brought to the US by a German Jewish girl 2013.495.7 p front

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Washington, United States

Marchen Quartett, a boxed deck of 40 cards for a fairy tale matching game brought with 8 year old Anneliese Centawer when she and her parents James and Recha fled Nazi Germany in July 1938. After Hitler and the Nazi regime's seizure of power in 1933, the Jewish population was subjected to increasingly harsh persecution. In 1936, Anneliese's family was forced to move from their home in Nuremberg when their block was declared Judenfrei (Free of Jews.) Anneliese was beaten up on the street by a Hitler Youth who accused the freckled, red haired girl of trying to pass for German. In July 1938, with sponsorship from Recha's half-siblings in the US, the family arrived in New York.

Marchen Quartett, a boxed deck of 40 cards for a fairy tale matching game brought with 8 year old Anneliese Centawer when she and her parents James and Recha fled Nazi Germany in July 1938. After Hitler and the Nazi regime's seizure of power in 1933, the Jewish population was subjected to increasingly harsh persecution. In 1936, Anneliese's family was forced to move from their home in Nuremberg when their block was declared Judenfrei (Free of Jews.) Anneliese was beaten up on the street by a Hitler Youth who accused the freckled, red haired girl of trying to pass for German. In July 1938, with sponsorship from Recha's half-siblings in the US, the family arrived in New York.

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  • Title: Marchen Quartett, a deck of fairy tale game cards with box brought to the US by a German Jewish girl 2013.495.7 p front
  • Location: Emigration and immigration--Germany--Nuremberg--Biography. Emigration and immigration--United States--Biography., Emigration and immigration--Germany--Nuremberg--Biography. Emigration and immigration--United States--Biography.
  • Provenance: The playing cards were donated to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in 2013 by Anneliese Marx., The playing cards were donated to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in 2013 by Anneliese Marx.
  • Subject Keywords: Games--Specimens. Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)--Germany--Nuremberg--Personal narratives. Jewish children in the Holocaust--Germany--Nuremberg--Biography. Jews--Germany--Nuremberg--Biography. Jewish refugees--United States--Biography. Playing cards--Germany--Specimens. Popular culture--Germany--History--20th century., Games--Specimens. Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945)--Germany--Nuremberg--Personal narratives. Jewish children in the Holocaust--Germany--Nuremberg--Biography. Jews--Germany--Nuremberg--Biography. Jewish refugees--United States--Biography. Playing cards--Germany--Specimens. Popular culture--Germany--History--20th century.
  • Type: Toys, Toys
  • Rights: Permanent Collection, Permanent Collection
  • External Link: See the full record at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, See the full record at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
  • Medium: 7a. Rectangular, deep set, telescoping cardboard box lid with treated green paper covering the exterior. Adhered to the top exterior is a paper label with a colorful fairy tale scene from 1 of the cards, a dark haired woman smiling at a table of little men with tall cone hats, Schneewittchen [Snow White], and German text. Some corners are detaching. 7b. Rectangular cardboard box base covered with treated green paper with glossy white paper glued on the bottom. The lid rests upon a small lip at the bottom when closed. There is a removable, cardboard insert with a cloth string threaded through the center to protect the boxed cards. 7c-ap. Intact deck of 40 oversize, rectangular laminated cards depicting 10 fairy tales, 4 cards per story. The front of each card has a symbol, the title, and a different subtitle, above a colorful illustration of a scene from the fairy tale. The back has a blue and white pattern of repeating triangles and the publisher’s logo: Spear within a cross within a circle. 7c-f. Hansel and Gretel 4 card set: symbol, an orange cookie with a face; title, Hansel und Gretel; subtitles: (7c) A1. Im Walde verirrt. [Lost in the woods.] (7d) A2. Vor dem Hexenhaus. [In front of the Witch’s house.] (7e) A3. Hansel im Gansestall. [Hansel in the Goose coop.] (7f) A4. Die Heimkehr. [The return home.] 7g-j. Snow White 4 card set: symbol, an orange apple; title, Schneewittchen; subtitles: (7g) B1. Bei den sieben Zwergen. [With the seven Dwarves.] (7h) B2. Die eitle und bose Stiefmutter. [The vain and evil stepmother.] (7i) B3. Der vergiftete Apfel. [The poisoned apple.] (7j) B4. Der Prinz. [The Prince.] 7k-n. Sleeping Beauty 4 card set: symbol, a pink rose; title, Dornroschen; subtitles: (7k) C1. Die Alte in der Turmstube. [The old woman in the tower room.] (7l) C2. Dornroschen sticht sich in den Finger. [Sleeping Beauty pricks her finger.] (7m) C3. Dornroschen im Zauberschlaf. [Sleeping Beauty in the enchanted sleep.] (7n) C4. Der rettende Prinz. [The rescuing prince.] 7o-r. Cinderella 4 card set, symbol: a gold shoe, title: Aschenputtel, subtitles: (7o) D1. Aschenputtel am Grab der Mutter. [Cinderella at the grave of her Mother.] (7p) D2. Die guten ins Topfchen, Die schlechten ins Kropfchen. [The good into the pot, the bad into the crop. (7q) D3. Aschenputtel im Festkleid. [Cinderella in her ball gown.] (7r) D4. Ruckedigu! Gar gut passt der Schuh. [Ruckedigu (the sound a sparrow makes)! The shoe fits.] 7s-v. Little Red Riding Hood 4 card set, symbol: a wolf head; title, Rotkappchen, subtitles: (7s) E1. Auf dem Wege zur Grossmutter. [On the way to Grandmother’s.] (7t) E2. Der Wolf in Grossmutters Bett. [The wolf in Grandmother’s bed.] (7u) E3. Der Jager kommt. [The Hunter comes.] (7v) E4. Nach glucklicher Errettung. [After a lucky rescue.] 7w-z. Land of Milk and Honey 4 card set, symbol: pigeon pierced by knife and fork, title: Schlaraffenland, subtitles: (7w) F1. Der Kuchenberg. [Cake mountain.] (7x) F2. Die gebratenen Tauben / fliegen in den Mund. [Roast pigeons flying into the mouth.] (7y) F3. Das gebratene Schwein. [Roasted pig.] (7z) F4. Der Faulste wird Schlaraffenkonig. [The laziest becomes king of the land of milk and honey.] 7aa-ad. Ragamuffins 4 card set: symbol, a light blue egg; title, Das Lumpengesindel; subtitles: (7aa) G1. Die Fahrt auf den Nussberg. [The trip to Nussberg.] (7ab) G2. Vor dem Wirtshaus. [In front of the inn.] (7ac) G3. Die Flucht. [The escape.] (7ad) G4. Der betrogene Wirt. [The deceived host.] 7ae-ah. Wolf and the 7 Sheep 4 card set: symbol, silver scissors; title, Der Wolf u. die 7 Geisslein; subtitles: (7ae) H1. Mutter Geiss warnt ihre Kleinen vor dem Wolf. [Mother Goat warns her little ones against the wolf.] (7af) H2. Eins ist hinter den Milchtopf gesprungen. [Bechstein.] [One jumps behind the milk pot. (Bechstein.)] (7ag) H3. Mutter Geiss will dem Wolf / den Bauch aufschneiden. [Mother Goat wants the wolf’s belly cut.] (7ah) H4. Der Tanz um den Brunnen, in dem der Wolf liegt. [Dancing around the well where the wolf lies.] 7ai-al. Thumbelina 4 card set, all with the symbol, a blue sparrow, the title Daumelinchen, but different subtitles: (7ai) J1. In der Wunderblume. [In the wonder flower.] (7aj) J2. Bei der Feldmaus. [With the field mouse.] (7ak) J3. Der Flug auf der / Schwalbe. [The flight on the swallow.] (7al) J4. als Blumenkonigin. [As the flower queen. 7am-ap. Hedgehog and the Hare 4 card set: symbol, a yellow bottle; title Swinegel und der Hase; subtitles: (7am) K1. Swinegel am Sonntagmorgen. [Hedgehog on Sunday morning.] (7an) K2. Die Begegnung mit dem Hasen. [The encounter with the hare.] (7ao) K3. Der Wettlauf mit dem Hasen. [The race with the hare.] (7ap) K4. Branntwein und Goldstuck. [Brandy and jewel.] 7aq. Bi-folded instruction sheet with black typed text on the front and back. Summary: The object is to match the 4 cards that belong together. The person with the most quartets at the end of the game wins., 7a. Rectangular, deep set, telescoping cardboard box lid with treated green paper covering the exterior. Adhered to the top exterior is a paper label with a colorful fairy tale scene from 1 of the cards, a dark haired woman smiling at a table of little men with tall cone hats, Schneewittchen [Snow White], and German text. Some corners are detaching. 7b. Rectangular cardboard box base covered with treated green paper with glossy white paper glued on the bottom. The lid rests upon a small lip at the bottom when closed. There is a removable, cardboard insert with a cloth string threaded through the center to protect the boxed cards. 7c-ap. Intact deck of 40 oversize, rectangular laminated cards depicting 10 fairy tales, 4 cards per story. The front of each card has a symbol, the title, and a different subtitle, above a colorful illustration of a scene from the fairy tale. The back has a blue and white pattern of repeating triangles and the publisher’s logo: Spear within a cross within a circle. 7c-f. Hansel and Gretel 4 card set: symbol, an orange cookie with a face; title, Hansel und Gretel; subtitles: (7c) A1. Im Walde verirrt. [Lost in the woods.] (7d) A2. Vor dem Hexenhaus. [In front of the Witch’s house.] (7e) A3. Hansel im Gansestall. [Hansel in the Goose coop.] (7f) A4. Die Heimkehr. [The return home.] 7g-j. Snow White 4 card set: symbol, an orange apple; title, Schneewittchen; subtitles: (7g) B1. Bei den sieben Zwergen. [With the seven Dwarves.] (7h) B2. Die eitle und bose Stiefmutter. [The vain and evil stepmother.] (7i) B3. Der vergiftete Apfel. [The poisoned apple.] (7j) B4. Der Prinz. [The Prince.] 7k-n. Sleeping Beauty 4 card set: symbol, a pink rose; title, Dornroschen; subtitles: (7k) C1. Die Alte in der Turmstube. [The old woman in the tower room.] (7l) C2. Dornroschen sticht sich in den Finger. [Sleeping Beauty pricks her finger.] (7m) C3. Dornroschen im Zauberschlaf. [Sleeping Beauty in the enchanted sleep.] (7n) C4. Der rettende Prinz. [The rescuing prince.] 7o-r. Cinderella 4 card set, symbol: a gold shoe, title: Aschenputtel, subtitles: (7o) D1. Aschenputtel am Grab der Mutter. [Cinderella at the grave of her Mother.] (7p) D2. Die guten ins Topfchen, Die schlechten ins Kropfchen. [The good into the pot, the bad into the crop. (7q) D3. Aschenputtel im Festkleid. [Cinderella in her ball gown.] (7r) D4. Ruckedigu! Gar gut passt der Schuh. [Ruckedigu (the sound a sparrow makes)! The shoe fits.] 7s-v. Little Red Riding Hood 4 card set, symbol: a wolf head; title, Rotkappchen, subtitles: (7s) E1. Auf dem Wege zur Grossmutter. [On the way to Grandmother’s.] (7t) E2. Der Wolf in Grossmutters Bett. [The wolf in Grandmother’s bed.] (7u) E3. Der Jager kommt. [The Hunter comes.] (7v) E4. Nach glucklicher Errettung. [After a lucky rescue.] 7w-z. Land of Milk and Honey 4 card set, symbol: pigeon pierced by knife and fork, title: Schlaraffenland, subtitles: (7w) F1. Der Kuchenberg. [Cake mountain.] (7x) F2. Die gebratenen Tauben / fliegen in den Mund. [Roast pigeons flying into the mouth.] (7y) F3. Das gebratene Schwein. [Roasted pig.] (7z) F4. Der Faulste wird Schlaraffenkonig. [The laziest becomes king of the land of milk and honey.] 7aa-ad. Ragamuffins 4 card set: symbol, a light blue egg; title, Das Lumpengesindel; subtitles: (7aa) G1. Die Fahrt auf den Nussberg. [The trip to Nussberg.] (7ab) G2. Vor dem Wirtshaus. [In front of the inn.] (7ac) G3. Die Flucht. [The escape.] (7ad) G4. Der betrogene Wirt. [The deceived host.] 7ae-ah. Wolf and the 7 Sheep 4 card set: symbol, silver scissors; title, Der Wolf u. die 7 Geisslein; subtitles: (7ae) H1. Mutter Geiss warnt ihre Kleinen vor dem Wolf. [Mother Goat warns her little ones against the wolf.] (7af) H2. Eins ist hinter den Milchtopf gesprungen. [Bechstein.] [One jumps behind the milk pot. (Bechstein.)] (7ag) H3. Mutter Geiss will dem Wolf / den Bauch aufschneiden. [Mother Goat wants the wolf’s belly cut.] (7ah) H4. Der Tanz um den Brunnen, in dem der Wolf liegt. [Dancing around the well where the wolf lies.] 7ai-al. Thumbelina 4 card set, all with the symbol, a blue sparrow, the title Daumelinchen, but different subtitles: (7ai) J1. In der Wunderblume. [In the wonder flower.] (7aj) J2. Bei der Feldmaus. [With the field mouse.] (7ak) J3. Der Flug auf der / Schwalbe. [The flight on the swallow.] (7al) J4. als Blumenkonigin. [As the flower queen. 7am-ap. Hedgehog and the Hare 4 card set: symbol, a yellow bottle; title Swinegel und der Hase; subtitles: (7am) K1. Swinegel am Sonntagmorgen. [Hedgehog on Sunday morning.] (7an) K2. Die Begegnung mit dem Hasen. [The encounter with the hare.] (7ao) K3. Der Wettlauf mit dem Hasen. [The race with the hare.] (7ap) K4. Branntwein und Goldstuck. [Brandy and jewel.] 7aq. Bi-folded instruction sheet with black typed text on the front and back. Summary: The object is to match the 4 cards that belong together. The person with the most quartets at the end of the game wins.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

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