Kelsey, Vera. [Carta] 1941 Nov. 6,
New York, NY [para] Maria Portinari,
Washington, D.C. 4 p. [inglês][datilografado]
Dear Maria,
I was so sorry to hear this afternoon that you had had no answer to your letter. As soon as I received it I sent it on to Mrs. Lesser, thinking that she would answer it. But she called me today to say that you had called her from Washington about it.
By this time, you must be so accustomed to the fact that everyone is busier than he should be an unable to keep up with himself that you do not think much about it. Nevertheless, it is annoying and makes life more complicated.
I have been going almost mad myself with the pressure to get things done. I finished Brazil in Capitals and now it on the press for release January 6 – instead of November 20 as was originally planned. Immediately I had to get to work on my little book for 14 year old children – Six Great Men of Brazil. I finished that just last Tuesday and am now digging myself out of the mass of mail and things that accumulated around me. Next Monday I rewrite Maria Rosa to match the story up with Portinari’s pictures and that will be done and ready for Mrs. Lesser when she returns from Chicago a week from Monday.
I’ve been awfully impatient to get on with it but as nothing could be decided anyway until they found out about the paper situation, it worked out better to finish up the other books and do this when my time was clear and free. Everyone is so interested in it that I wish it were coming out tomorrow.
Are you feeling better now and have you found an apartment? We are still having summer days though today it is raining hard. Cavalheiro still plays in the window on sunny days but wants to sleep straight through when the days are dark. I think perhaps he has the right idea.
Mrs. Momsen too has been frightfully busy – she is doing a book too and also a Portuguese grammar. I haven’t seen her since the week she first arrived. But the last time I talked with her, she asked where you were and said that she hoped to see you when you returned to New York.
By the way, did I tell you that I am returning to Brazil in March or April? To do two more books! I can hardly believe it myself.
When do you expect to come up now? All the publishers are completely dizzy getting out their Christmas books so I haven’t talked with Mrs. Lesser about the Brincadeiras as contract again but will when I take up the completed story of Maria Rosa. Has Portinari done anything about the illustrations or did he plunge right into work on the murals? I have been hoping to get down to Washington – there are many people there I’d like to see, including you, but so far I’ve been pasted tight to this typewriter. I’m hoping to finish up everything by some time in December and go out west to my old home of Christmas. I haven’t seen it since 1934. Do write me when you get time.
With best wishes to you all,
Vera Kelsey