Bilsky, Rebecca Ellen. [Carta] 1961 Jan. 7, USA [para]
Candido Portinari, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. 2 p. [inglês][manuscrito]
Dear Mr. Portinari,
I just this minute received your letter and I am very happy to get a letter from someone.
To start out with I didn’t have any idea that you where a world-famous artist but when I came home from school one day I told my mother I was writing to you because at school every one in my class had to write to one of their favorite authors. And she told me.
On the letter you sent me on the envelope is a stamp on with it says something about volley ball. Would you please tell me what it is on the stamp for?
(Please turn to the next page)
I have been having a wonderful time lately.
Yesterday, at school we went to the beach to collect rock from volcanoes. Have you ever seen a volcano erupt?
I may have already asked you this but have you ever been to Mexico? If you have what was it like?
In your next letter will you please enclose one of yours small paintings?
Your painting fan,
Rebecca Ellen Bilsky
P.S. Thank you for the nice letter.