Description: The representation of a harbour, particularly that of Livorno, is among the most common subjects for the Tuscan landscape painters of the eighteenth century. Cioci, who was extremely versatile, also dedicating himself to the still life and portrait genres, is clearly recognizable as the artist of this painting because of the organization of the composition and some of the elements, typical of his repertoire.
The originality of the Tuscan artist, largely influenced by Giuseppe Zocchi and Claude Joseph Vernet, lies in his ability to assemble elements from different styles and origins, in his clear atmosphere, bright color scheme and the wealth of details. These aspects come together to create an airy and lively scene, which compensates for certain formal inaccuracies, as in the perspective.
The attribution to Cioci is confirmed by the stylistic and typological similarities this painting has with the two Views of the Livorno Port, carried out by the artist in 1775 and now in the Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence.