
A hefty flood

Nederlands Dans Theater

Nederlands Dans Theater
The Hague, Nederland

Foto: Joris-Jan Bos

Choreograaf: Marina Mascarell

"It is probably no mere historical accident that the word person, in its first meaning, is a mask. It is rather a recognition of the fact that everyone is always and everywhere, more or less consciously, playing a role... It is in these roles that we know each other; it is in these roles that we know ourselves. In a sense, and in so far as this mask represents the conception we have formed of ourselves - the role we are striving to live up to - this mask is our truer self, the self we would like to be. In the end, our conception of our role becomes second nature and an integral part of our personality. We come into the world as individuals, achieve character, and become persons."
– Ervin Goffman, ‘The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life’

"De dansers hebben hun wensen met me gedeeld, hun dromen, de rollen die ze spelen of zouden wíllen spelen. Met die persoonlijke verhalen in gedachten creëerden wij dit werk, een wereld van verlangens. Zoals La Agrado zegt in ‘All about my mother’ van Pedro Almodóvar: 'Hoe meer je lijkt op waar je van droomde, hoe authentieker je bent’.”
– Marina Mascarell

Minder tonenMeer informatie
  • Titel: A hefty flood
  • Aanmaakdatum: 2018
  • Rechten: © Joris-Jan Bos Photography
  • Choreograaf: Marina Mascarell
  • Muziek: Compositie van Iras Fajro (ook wel Yamila Ríos)
  • Licht: Loes Schakenbos
  • Kostuums: Daphna Munz
  • Decor: Marina Mascarell
  • Wereldpremière: 8 maart 2018, Zuiderstrandtheater, Den Haag
Nederlands Dans Theater

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