Men now risk death to bring home your
fish and deserve good pay-but there is profiteering which must be stopped
Although it is now the East Anglian herring
fishing season business is not so brisk as it usually is at this time of the year. The Government have allotted a special area in the North
Sea to the herring fleet, but the present demand for herrings is so poor that the drifters are only going out on alternate days. In a telegram sent by the English Herring Catchers Association, to the War Minister, it was suggested that the armed forces "would appreciate this splendid food", so if the plea is successful the jobs of 2,500 men engaged in the East Anglian herring fishing industry will be saved.
Photo shows- A scene in the hold of one of the driftersshowing herrings being loaded into the baskets at the quayside at Yarmouth.
FOX. OCTOBER 30th 1939. (WF 458)