The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers are a special group of teenagers selected by Zordon, Commander of the forces of good, to defend the earth against evil forces. The teenagers morph or transform into Power Rangers. As Power Rangers, they have superhero powers. Each Power Ranger is also given command of his own Zord, or colossal fighting machine. In the Power Rangers' long back story, they face a variety of villains and take control of various powerful Zords to help them fight evil. In August 1993, the Power Rangers blasted onto kid's television and became an instant success. Feature films, book publishing, toys and other merchandise soon followed. The first feature film, "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie," was released in 1995. The popularity of the Rangers continued into the 21st century via Saturday morning television and licensed toys and products. In 2005 new generation of Rangers, the Space Patrol Delta, was introduced through a new television series of the same name. Action figures such as this one are loosely based upon the popular series.
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