"Inhabiting the Opera" is a project co-produced by the Matera-Basilicata 2019 Foundation and the Teatro San Carlo of Naples. The project’s goal was to bring the public closer to the Opera through the demolition of the “fourth wall" in a completely new way. The workshops have opened the world of Theatre to cultural inhabitants and temporary citizens, making them the protagonists of the "Prologue on the Sassi - THE SEVEN CAPITALIST SINS", a condemnation of the excesses of today's liberalism.
Two masks, depicting Good and Evil, accompanied a parade of ordinary citizens and artists along a path of seven stations, each of them giving an oneiric and modern representation of a sin. The parade went through the Sassi, going through the Sasso Barisano and then over to the Sasso Caveoso, leaving the floor to the "Cavalleria Rusticana" directed by Giorgio Barberio Corsetti and conducted by Juraj Valcuha.
Set in the background of Piazza San Pietro Caveoso, Pietro Mascagni's work, which started a new way of experiencing theatre as the "content" of a larger place rather than a restricted one, history intertwines with the narrative, leaving the viewer with a sense of wonder and catharsis.