Acupuncture, an imaginative light sculpture by German artist Hans Peter Kuhn, will appear to "pierce" the roof and south-facing side of the building. The installation will include components of what Kuhn calls “light sticks.” Attached to metal scaffolding, the “sticks” will appear to cut through the top floor of the building, coming out of the roof, and then cutting back through the staircase tower. The installation's size and configuration will make the piece visible from all angles, throughout the neighborhood and the city.
Acupuncture was made possible by the generous support of the Allegheny County Community Infrastructure and Tourism Fund; an Anonymous Donor; The Buhl Foundation; The Charm Bracelet Project, Children's Museum of Pittsburgh; The Juliet Lea Hillman Simonds Foundation; the Mattress Factory Board of Directors; People's Natural Gas; A G Foundation; The David Bermant Foundation; CentiMark Corporation; CONSOL Energy, Inc; and the Schwab Charitable Fund. With gratitude to William Peduto, Mayor, City of Pittsburgh; Rich Fitzgerald, Allegheny County Executive; State Representative Dom Costa; and State Senator Wayne D. Fontana.