
Homme africain tenant un bâton

Veillon, Margo1907-2003

The American University of Cairo - Libraries and Learning Technologies

The American University of Cairo - Libraries and Learning Technologies
Egypt, Égypte

A watercolor painting of an African man standing and staring into the distance holding a stick horizontally. His body weight is on one leg and his other knee is bent. he wears a white cloth around one shoulder that is not visable. The stick he carries is behind him, as he is stood in profile facing the left. The stick he is carrying has round objects hanging from one side, and cylindrical objects from the other side.

Afficher moinsEn savoir plus
  • Titre: Homme africain tenant un bâton
  • Créateur: Veillon, Margo
  • Durée de vie du créateur: 1907-2003
  • Nationalité du créateur: Swiss
  • Date de création: 1907-2003
  • Lieu: American University in Cairo, Egypt
  • Dimensions physiques: 41.7 cm x 29.5 cm
  • Mots clés du sujet: Portraits, Egyptian -- 20th century.
  • Type: mixed media works
  • Droits: To inquire about rights and permissions, contact the Rare Books and Special Collections Library, The American University in Cairo at +20.2.2615.3676 or
  • Genre artistique: portraits
  • Mouvement artistique: Expressionist (style)
  • Forme d'expression artistique: watercolors (paintings)
  • Support: paper, watercolor and charcoal on paper
The American University of Cairo - Libraries and Learning Technologies

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