Six stamps commemorating the opening of the Mexico-Nuevo-Laredo Highway in 1936: 10c slate blue and black "Matalote Bridge" stamp (Scott 726); 20c brown and dark green "View of Nuevo Laredo Highway" stamp (Scott 727); 40c dark blue and dark green "Bridge of Nuevo Laredo Highway" airmail stamp (Scott C79); 10c slate blue and light blue "Tasquillo Bridge" airmail stamp (Scott C77); 20c dull violet and orange "Corona River Bridge" airmail stamp (Scott C78); and 5c blue green and rose "U.S. and Mexico Joined by Highways" stamp (Scott 725). In a leather album with sixteen pages and embossed pictures on the cover of Mexico's National Palace, Washington's White House, and the Aztec Stone and inscribed, "Palacio Nacional - Mexico / Franklin D. Roosevelt / Julio 1st 1936 / CORREOS - MEXICO / ASLUNE MEXICO A LOS PUEBLOS / CARRETERA / MEXICO - LAREDO / Casa Blanco - Washington." Also in the album are fourteen photographs commemorating the highway opening. Autographed by FDR: "Sent me by / President Cardenas / Franklin D. Roosevelt / The White House." FDR Library Museum Collection, MO 1941.37.10.