"Amphitryon 38" by Jean Giraudoux, directed by Erwin Axer, stage sets and costumes Władysław Daszewski, from the left: Danuta Szaflarska (Alkmena), Jacek Woszczerowicz (Mercury), Jerzy Duszyński (Amphitryon), Adam Mikołajewski (Jupiter)
Title: "Amphitryon 38" by Jean Giraudoux, directed by Erwin Axer, stage sets and costumes Władysław Daszewski, from the left: Danuta Szaflarska (Alkmena), Jacek Woszczerowicz (Mercury), Jerzy Duszyński (Amphitryon), Adam Mikołajewski (Jupiter)
Creator: unknown
Date: 1947
Location: Łódź
Original Source: Instytut Teatralny im. Zbigniewa Raszewskiego
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