S72-55421 (14 Dec. 1972) --- The Apollo 17 Lunar Module (LM) "Challenger" ascent stage leaves the Taurus-Littrow landing site as it makes its spectacular liftoff from the lunar surface, as seen in this reproduction taken from a color television transmission made by the color RCA TV camera mounted on the Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV). The LRV-mounted TV camera, remotely controlled from the Mission Control Center (MCC) in Houston, made it possible for people on Earth to watch the fantastic event. The LM liftoff was at 188:01:36 ground elapsed time, 4:54:36 p.m. (CST), Thursday, Dec. 14, 1972. The LM ascent stage, with astronauts Eugene A. Cernan and Harrison H. Schmitt aboard, returned from the lunar surface to rejoin the Command and Service Modules (CSM) orbiting the moon. Astronaut Ronald E. Evans remained with the CSM in lunar orbit while Cernan and Schmitt explored the moon. The LM descent stage is used as a launching platform and remains behind on the moon. Here, the two stages have completely separated and the ascent stage is headed skyward.
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