
Apollo served by the Nymphs

François Girardon1666 - 1675

Château de Versailles

Château de Versailles
Versailles, France

The sculpture of Apollo served by the Nymphs is composed of seven figures. It was created between 1667 and 1675 by the sculptors François Girardon and Thomas Regnaudin.
Originally intended to be placed in the Tethys grotto, a structure overlooking the gardens, formerly located near the Chapel, this work is one of Louis XIV’s first commissions in the area of sculpture. It introduces the theme of Apollo into the gardens.

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  • Durée de vie du créateur: 17th century - Early 18th century
  • Nationalité du créateur: French
  • Sexe du créateur: Male
  • Lieu de naissance du créateur: France
  • Lieu de décès du créateur: France
  • Date: 1666 - 1675
  • Provenance: © EPV/ Christian Milet
  • Type: Sculpture
  • Lien externe:
  • Titre: Apollon servi par les nymphes, Apollo served by the Nymphs
  • Sculptors: François Girardon and Thomas Regnaudin
Château de Versailles

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